基于五阶段流水线的RISC-V CPU模拟器实现 (7)


hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/add.riscv Program exit from an exit() system call ------------ STATISTICS ----------- Number of Instructions: 876 Number of Cycles: 1183 Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3505 Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4639 (Strategy: Always Not Taken) Number of Control Hazards: 124 Number of Data Hazards: 433 Number of Memory Hazards: 58 ----------------------------------- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/mul-div.riscv Program exit from an exit() system call ------------ STATISTICS ----------- Number of Instructions: 901 Number of Cycles: 1208 Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3407 Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4639 (Strategy: Always Not Taken) Number of Control Hazards: 124 Number of Data Hazards: 463 Number of Memory Hazards: 58 ----------------------------------- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/n\!.riscv Program exit from an exit() system call ------------ STATISTICS ----------- Number of Instructions: 1112 Number of Cycles: 1525 Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3714 Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4661 (Strategy: Always Not Taken) Number of Control Hazards: 189 Number of Data Hazards: 515 Number of Memory Hazards: 34 ----------------------------------- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/qsort.riscv Program exit from an exit() system call ------------ STATISTICS ----------- Number of Instructions: 19427 Number of Cycles: 25328 Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3038 Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4701 (Strategy: Always Not Taken) Number of Control Hazards: 1363 Number of Data Hazards: 14156 Number of Memory Hazards: 3174 ----------------------------------- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/simple-function.riscv Program exit from an exit() system call ------------ STATISTICS ----------- Number of Instructions: 886 Number of Cycles: 1197 Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3510 Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4639 (Strategy: Always Not Taken) Number of Control Hazards: 126 Number of Data Hazards: 438 Number of Memory Hazards: 58 -----------------------------------


4.2.2 动态执行的指令数 程序名 执行的指令数
add.riscv   876  
mul-div.riscv   901  
n!.riscv   1112  
qsort.riscv   19427  
simple-function.riscv   886  
4.2.3 执行周期数和平均CPI 程序名 执行周期数 平均CPI
add.riscv   1183   1.3505  
mul-div.riscv   1208   1.3407  
n!.riscv   1525   1.3714  
qsort.riscv   25328   1.3038  
simple-function.riscv   1197   1.3510  


4.2.4 不同类型的冒险统计 程序名 数据冒险 控制冒险 内存访问冒险
add.riscv   433   124   58  
mul-div.riscv   463   124   58  
n!.riscv   515   189   34  
qsort.riscv   14156   1363   3174  
simple-function.riscv   438   126   58  
五、其它内容 5.1 分支预测模块


策略名称 策略说明
NT   Always Not Taken  
AT   Always Taken  
BTFNT   Back Taken Forward Not Taken  
BPB   Branch Prediction Buffer  

其中,Branch Prediction Buffer采用"Computer Organization and Design: Hardware/Software Interface"中所介绍的四状态,两位历史信息的方法。具体地说,使用内存后12位作为索引维护一个长度为4096的直接映射高速缓存,用于存储分支指令的地址。对于一个缓存条目,其状态为以下四个状态之一:Strong Taken, Weak Taken, Weak Not Taken, Strong Not Taken. 状态转换图如下

基于五阶段流水线的RISC-V CPU模拟器实现

