安装 pytest-rerunfailures 插件:
pip install pytest-rerunfailures测试失败后重新运行n次,在重新运行间延迟n秒再运行:
# 重新运行3次 pytest --reruns 3 -v -s test_pytest.py # 重新运行5次,延迟1s pytest --reruns 5 --reruns-delay 1 -v test_pytest.py 多条断言一个方法中有多条断言,通常第一条失败后下面就不执行了,pytest-assume插件可以解决断言失败后继续执行断言的问题。
pip install pytest-assume执行多条断言:
# 写法1 pytest.assume(x == y) pytest.assume(True) pytest.assume(False) # 写法2 with assume: assert calc(2, 1) == 4 with assume: assert calc(2, 1) == 3 with assume: assert calc(2, 2) == 3修改测试用例test_pytest.py:
import pytest from pytest import assume def calc(a,b): return a + b class TestDemo(): def test_answer1(self): assert calc(1, 1) == 2 def test_answer2(self): with assume: assert calc(2, 1) == 4 with assume: assert calc(2, 1) == 3 with assume: assert calc(2, 2) == 3 @pytest.mark.answer3 def test_answer3(self): assert calc(6, 6) == 12 if __name__=='__main__': pytest.main()测试结果:
pytest.main()除了在终端执行外,也可以通过pytest.main()来执行,pytest.main() 自动查找当前目录下以test_开头的文件或者以_test结尾的py文件。
pytest.main(['-v', 'test_pytest.py']) # 执行test_pytest.py用例或者直接在测试文件最后写如下代码,执行py文件。
if __name__=='__main__': pytest.main() # pytest.main(['-v', 'test_pytest.py'])更多pytest执行方法可参考官方文档:
--THE END--文章标题:Pytest测试框架(一):pytest安装及用例执行