备注:如有图片的话,一般做法还需将图片保存到对应文件夹。此处可以先在“博客园”等网站通过Windows Live Writer发布博客,再将源码复制。即省去图片调用。又可做到一篇博客不同地方迅速发布,保留备份。
Agent admitted failure to sign using the key. Permission denied (publickey)fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
#1. Check for SSH keys. $ cd ~/.ssh #2. Backup and remove existing SSH keys. $ lsLists all the subdirectories in the current directory $ mkdir key_backupmakes a subdirectory called "key_backup" in the current directory $ cp id_rsa* key_backupCopies the contents of the id_rsa directory into key_backup $ rm id_rsa* #3. Generate a new SSH key. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@youremail.com" #4. Add your SSH key to GitHub. #5. Test everything out. $ ssh -T git@github.com大概意思就是你先在本地建立自己的SSH密码对,然后将公钥上传到github。进行上传服务时输入密码即可(cmd输入密码是为不可见状态,输入好后点击“回车”即可)。
教程参考: (80%为参考此处进行整理)。