《Playing hard exploration games by watching YouTube》论文解读 (2)

Cross-modal temporal distance classification

  这种方法和前一种异曲同工,上述方法是在视频不同帧之间进行预测。该方法融入声音信息,将视频和声音进行匹配,预测两者之间的时间差,也就是所谓跨模态(cross-modal)的时间差分距离预测。作者解释说游戏的音频信息通常和动作事件高度相关,比如跳、捡到道具等等,这个任务有助于网络理解游戏中的重要事件(As the audio of Atari games tends to correspond with salient
events such as jumping, obtaining items or collecting points, a network that learns to correlate audio
and visual observations should learn an abstraction that emphasizes important game events.)。尽管在强化学习的游戏环境中没有声音信息,但结合音频信息构建embedding network有助于网络学习抽象特征。
  视频数据(video frame)记为\(v \in I\),音频数据(audio snippet)记为\(a \in A\)。引入另一个音频特征提取的网络,audio embedding function \(\psi:A \rightarrow R^N\)
\(L_{cm}(v^i,a^i,y^i)=-\sum_{j=1}^Ky_j^ilog(\hat{y}_j^i) \ \ \ with \ \ \ \hat{y}^i=\tau_{cm}(\phi(v^i),\psi(a^i))\)


\(L=L_{td}+\lambda L_{cm}\)

《Playing hard exploration games by watching YouTube》论文解读


The visual embedding function \(\phi\)

The visual embedding function, \(\phi\), is composed of three spatial, padded, 3x3 convolutional layers
with (32, 64, 64) channels and 2x2 max-pooling, followed by three residual-connected blocks with
64 channels and no down-sampling. Each layer is ReLU-activated and batch-normalized, and the
output fed into a 2-layer 1024-wide MLP. The network input is a 128x128x3x4 tensor constructed
by random spatial cropping of a stack of four consecutive 140x140 RGB images, sampled from our
dataset. The final embedding vector is \(l_2\)-normalized.

The audio embedding function \(\psi\)

The audio embedding function, \(\psi\) , is as per \(\phi\) except that it has four, width-8, 1D convolutional layers
with (32, 64, 128, 256) channels and 2x max-pooling, and a single width-1024 linear layer. The input
is a width-137 (6ms) sample of 256 frequency channels, calculated using STFT. ReLU-activation and
batch-normalization are applied throughout and the embedding vector is \(l_2\)-normalized.

The classification network \(\tau\)

The same shallow network architecture, \(\tau\) , is used for both temporal and cross-modal classification.
Both input vectors are combined by element-wise multiplication, with the result fed into a 2-layer
MLP with widths (1024, 6) and ReLU non-linearity in between. A visualization of these networks and
their interaction is provided in Figure 3. Note that although \(\tau_{td}\) and \(\tau_{cm}\) share the same architecture,
they are operating on two different problems and therefore maintain separate sets of weights.

Generating training data

