【bioinfo】生物信息学——代码遇见生物学的地方 (4)

Other, more direct, large-scale ways of identifying gene functions and associations (for example yeast two-hybrid methods) will grow in significance and with them the accompanying bioinformatics of functional genomics.

There will be a general shift in emphasis (of sequence analysis especially) from genes themselves to gene products.

This will lead to: 

attempts to catalog the activities and characterize interactions between all gene products (in humans): proteomics ); 

attempts to crystallography and or predict the structures of all proteins (in humans): structural genomics.

What some people refer to as research or medical informatics, the management of all biomedical experimental data associated with particular molecules or patients---from mass spectroscopy, to in vitro assays to clinical side-effects---will move from the concern of those working in drug company and hospital I.T. (information technology) into the mainstream of cell and molecular biology and migrate from the commercial and clinical to academic sectors.
It is worth noting that all of the above post-genomic areas of research depend upon established, pre-genomic sequence analysis techniques.



It is a mathematically interesting property of most large biological molecules that they are polymers; ordered chains of simpler molecular modules called monomers. Think of the monomers as beads or building blocks which, despite having different colors and shapes, all have the same thickness and the same way of connecting to one another. Monomers that can combine in a chain are of the same general class, but each kind of monomer in that class has its own well-defined set of characteristics. And many monomer molecules can be joined together to form a single, far larger, macromolecule. Macromolecules can have exquisitely specific informational content and/or chemical properties. According to this scheme, the monomers in a given macromolecule of DNA or protein can be treated computationally as letters of an alphabet, put together in pre-programmed arrangements to carry messages or do work in a cell.

There are also whole other disciplines of biologically-inspired computation, e.g. genetic algorithms, AI, and neural networks. Often these areas interact in strange ways. Neural networks, inspired by crude models of the functioning of nerve cells in the brain, are used in a program called PHD to predict, surprisingly accurately, the secondary structures of proteins from their primary sequences.



【定义9】阿肯色大学小石城分校(University of Arkansas at Little Rock, UALR)在BIOINFORMATICS PROGRAM中对生物信息的解释:

As a discipline that builds upon the fields of computer and information science, bioinformatics relies heavily upon strategies to acquire, store, organize, archive, analyze, and visualize data.

As a discipline that builds upon computational biology, bioinformatics encompasses the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems.

As a discipline that builds upon the life, health, and medical sciences, bioinformatics supports medical informatics; gene mapping in pedigrees and population studies; functional-, structural-, and pharmaco-genomics; proteomics, and dozens of other evolving “-omics.”

As a discipline that builds upon the basic sciences, bioinformatics depends on a strong foundation of chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, biology, genetics, and molecular biology which allows interpretation of biological data in a meaningful context.

As a discipline whose core is mathematics and statistics, bioinformatics applies these fields in ways that provide insight to make the vast, diverse, and complex life sciences data more understandable and useful, to uncover new biological insights, and to provide new perspectives to discern unifying principles.

In short, bioinformaticians (or bioinformaticists) bring a multidisciplinary perspective to many of the critical problems facing the health-science profession today.










【定义10】生物信息学家Dr. Maria Nattestad用下面的话向非科学家介绍自己的工作:

I use computers to analyze biological data.


