Run Shutdown -f -r -t 1
;Run ToolsSoftware\FastReset_Ctrl_Alt_Home
MsgBox,16,Force Reset,Force Reset,33
MsgBox,16,Force Reset,Force Reset,33
Run Shutdown -l -f
MsgBox,16,Force LogOut,Force LogOut,33
MsgBox,16,Force LogOut,Force LogOut,33
;Run FastPowerOFF_Ctrl_Alt_End\FastPowerOFF_Ctrl_Alt_End.exe
Run Shutdown -f -s -t 1
MsgBox,16,Force PowerOFF,Force PowerOFF,33
MsgBox,16,Force PowerOFF,Force PowerOFF,33
; Note: From now on whenever you run AutoHotkey directly, this script
; will be loaded. So feel free to customize it to suit your needs.
; Please read the QUICK-START TUTORIAL near the top of the help file.
; It explains how to perform common automation tasks such as sending
; keystrokes and mouse clicks. It also explains more about hotkeys.
; semicolon, such as this one, are comments. They are not executed.
; This script has a special filename and path because it is automatically
; launched when you run the program directly. Also, any text file whose
; name ends in .ahk is associated with the program, which means that it
; can be launched simply by double-clicking it. You can have as many .ahk
; files as you want, located in any folder. You can also run more than
; one ahk file simultaneously and each will get its own tray icon.
; SAMPLE HOTKEYS: Below are two sample hotkeys. The first is Win+Z and it
; launches a web site in the default browser. The second is Control+Alt+N
; and it launches a new Notepad window (or activates an existing one). To
; try out these hotkeys, run AutoHotkey again, which will load this file.
;Send, Sincerely,{enter}John Smith
;Send, ^c!{tab}pasted:^v
REM 创建目录
md D:\Personal\桌面bak\
REM 备份桌面文件
start /min xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y C:\Users\Public\Desktop\*.* D:\Personal\桌面bak\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y C:\Users\Public\Desktop\*.* D:\Personal\桌面bak\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y C:\Users\Public\Desktop\*.* D:\Personal\桌面bak\
start /min xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\桌面\*.* D:\Personal\桌面bak\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\桌面\*.* D:\Personal\桌面bak\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\桌面\*.* D:\Personal\桌面bak\
REM 清理桌面文件
REM 跳转到D:盘
REM 改变当前目录以便使用deltree.exe
cd D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标
start /min deltree /y C:\Users\Public\Desktop\*.*
start /min deltree /y D:\Personal\桌面\*.*
deltree /y C:\Users\Public\Desktop\*.*
deltree /y D:\Personal\桌面\*.*
REM 恢复桌面默认图标
start /min xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份\*.* C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌A面图标\桌面图标备份\*.* C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
start /min xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份\网上开票.url C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份\网上开票.url C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
start /min xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份\客户查询.xls C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份\客户查询.xls C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
start /min xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份A\金蝶财务.lnk C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
xcopy /e /c /i /q /r /y D:\Personal\AutoRun\清理桌面图标\桌面图标备份\金蝶财务.lnk C:\Users\Public\Desktop\
;本文件在Microsoft Windows 7 旗舰版中测试通过