一、替换命令: s
● n: 一个数字(取值范围1-512),表明仅替换第n个被pattern匹配的内容;
● g: 表示全局替换,替换所有被pattern匹配的内容;
● p: 仅当行被pattern匹配时,打印模式空间的内容;
● w file:仅当行被pattern匹配时,将模式空间的内容输出到文件file中;
[root@localhost ~]# echo 'a b c d' | sed 's/ /;/' a;b c d实例2:flags中包含g,则表示全局匹配
[root@localhost ~]# echo 'a b c d'|sed 's/ /;/g' a;b;c;d实例3:flags中明确指定替换第n次的匹配,例如n=2
[root@localhost ~]# echo 'a b c d'|sed 's/ /;/2' a b;c d实例4:当替换命令的pattern与地址部分是一样的时候,比如/regexp/s/regexp/replacement/可以省略替换命令中的pattern部分。现在要在substitute command后面增加(“s”),同时在被修改的行前面增加+号
[root@localhost ~]# cat -nE paragraph.txt 1 The substitute command is applied to the lines matching the address. If no address is specified, it is applied to all lines that match the pattern, a regular expression. If a regular expression is supplied as an address, and no pattern is specified, the substitute command matches what is matched by the address. This can be useful when the substitute command is one of multiple commands applied at the same address. For an example, see the section “Checking Out Reference Pages” later in this chapter.$ [root@localhost ~]# sed '/substitute command/{s//&("s")/g;s/^/+ /}' paragraph.txt + The substitute command("s") is applied to the lines matching the address. If no address is specified, it is applied to all lines that match the pattern, a regular expression. If a regular expression is supplied as an address, and no pattern is specified, the substitute command("s") matches what is matched by the address. This can be useful when the substitute command("s") is one of multiple commands applied at the same address. For an example, see the section “Checking Out Reference Pages” later in this chapter.说明:replacement部分用到了&这个元字符,它代表之前匹配的内容
● &: 被pattern匹配的内容
●\num: 被pattern匹配的第num个分组(正则表达式中的概念,..括起来的部分称为分组)
●\: 转义符号,用来转义&,\, 回车等符号
[root@localhost ~]# grep -B 1 ACTIVE_CONSOLES /etc/sysconfig/init # What ttys should gettys be started on? ACTIVE_CONSOLES=/dev/tty[1-6] [root@localhost ~]# sed -r -i 's@(ACTIVE_CONSOLES=/dev/tty\[1-)6\]@\12\]@' /etc/sysconfig/init [root@localhost ~]# What ttys should gettys be started on? ACTIVE_CONSOLES=/dev/tty[1-2]说明:其中-i参数表示直接修改原文件,-r参数是指使用扩展的正则表达式(ERE),扩展的正则表达式中分组的括号不需要用反斜杠转义。这里 [ 是有特殊含义的(表示字符组),所以需要转义。在替换的内容中使用\1来引用这个匹配的分组内容,1代表分组的编号,表示第一个分组。
二、删除命令: d
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,$d;=' list #删除并打印行号 1 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA实例2:
[root@localhost ~]# sed '=;2,$d' list 1 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8实例3:
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,${d;=}' list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA实例4:
[root@localhost ~]# sed -e '2,$d' -e '1=' list 1 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA说明:仔细对比实例1,2,3,4之间的区别,实例1是先读取list文件中第一行,不符合第二行到最后一行的匹配条件,因此不执行d删除命令,继续执行;注意分号标志此命令语句执行结束;=命令执行的条件无地址定界默认全文,因此匹配模式,继续处理上条d删除命令的输出结果,执行=打印行号命令。实例3的{}相当一个语句块,语句块中的命令相当于对匹配到第二行到最后一行的内容执行。
三、插入行/追加行/替换行命令: i/a/c
# Append 追加 [line-address]atext # Insert 插入 line-address]itext # Change 行替换 [address]ctext说明:以上三个命令,行替换命令(c)允许地址为多个地址,其余两个都只允许单个地址
实例1:在list文件中第二行后面添加 '------'
[root@localhost ~]# cat list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK Terry Kalkas, 402 Lans Road, Beaver Falls PA Eric Adams, 20 Post Road, Sudbury MA Hubert Sims, 328A Brook Road, Roanoke VA Amy Wilde, 334 Bayshore Pkwy, Mountain View CA Sal Carpenter, 73 6th Street, Boston MA [root@localhost ~]# sed '2a-------------------------------------------' list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA ------------------------------------------- Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK Terry Kalkas, 402 Lans Road, Beaver Falls PA Eric Adams, 20 Post Road, Sudbury MA Hubert Sims, 328A Brook Road, Roanoke VA Amy Wilde, 334 Bayshore Pkwy, Mountain View CA Sal Carpenter, 73 6th Street, Boston MA实例2:在list文件中第三行前添加'--------'
[root@localhost ~]# sed '3i----------------------------------------' list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA ---------------------------------------- Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK Terry Kalkas, 402 Lans Road, Beaver Falls PA Eric Adams, 20 Post Road, Sudbury MA Hubert Sims, 328A Brook Road, Roanoke VA Amy Wilde, 334 Bayshore Pkwy, Mountain View CA Sal Carpenter, 73 6th Street, Boston MA我们来测试下文本是否确实没有添加到模式空间,因为模式空间中的内容默认是会打印到屏幕的:
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '2a-------------' list -------------通过-n参数来抑制输出后发现插入的内容依然被输出,所以可以判定插入的内容没有被添加到模式空间。
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,$c------------------' list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA ------------------四、打印命令: p/l/=
[address]p [address]= [address]lp命令用于打印模式空间的内容,它不清除模式空间,也不改变脚本控制流程,例如打印list文件的第一行:
[root@localhost ~]# cat -n list 1 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA 2 Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA 3 Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK 4 Terry Kalkas, 402 Lans Road, Beaver Falls PA 5 Eric Adams, 20 Post Road, Sudbury MA 6 Hubert Sims, 328A Brook Road, Roanoke VA 7 Amy Wilde, 334 Bayshore Pkwy, Mountain View CA 8 Sal Carpenter, 73 6th Street, Boston MA [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1p' list #打印list文件第一行 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MAl命令类似p命令,不过会显示控制字符,这个命令和vim的list命令相似。
[root@localhost ~]# echo -e 'a\n b\n c d' | sed -n 'l' a$ b$ c d$=命令显示当前行行号。
[root@localhost ~]# sed '=' list 1 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA 2 Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA 3 Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK 4 Terry Kalkas, 402 Lans Road, Beaver Falls PA 5 Eric Adams, 20 Post Road, Sudbury MA 6 Hubert Sims, 328A Brook Road, Roanoke VA 7 Amy Wilde, 334 Bayshore Pkwy, Mountain View CA 8 Sal Carpenter, 73 6th Street, Boston MA五、转换命令:y
[root@localhost ~]# echo "hello, world" | sed 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/' HELLO, WORLDHELLO, WORLD说明:SET1、SET2不支持模式匹配
六、取下一行命令: n
[root@localhost ~]# cat text .H1 "On Egypt" Napoleon, pointing to the Pyramids, said to his troops: "Soldiers, forty centuries have their eyes upon you." [root@localhost ~]# sed '/.H1/{n;/^$/d}' text .H1 "On Egypt" Napoleon, pointing to the Pyramids, said to his troops: "Soldiers, forty centuries have their eyes upon you."注意:此处只能使用 / ,不能使用@、#等符号。
七、读写文件命令: r/w
[line-address]r file [address]w file读命令将指定的文件读取到匹配行之后,并且输出到屏幕,这点类似追加命令(a)。
[root@localhost ~]# cat text For service, contact any of the following companies: [Company-list] Thank you. [root@localhost ~]# cat company.list Allied Mayflower United [root@localhost ~]# sed '/^\[Company-list\]/r company.list' text #注意需要对[]进行转义 For service, contact any of the following companies: [Company-list] Allied Mayflower United Thank you.实例2:读取实例1的文件并且删除[Company-list]这一行
[root@localhost ~]# sed -e '/^\[Company-list\]/r company.list' -e '/^\[Company-list\]/d;' text For service, contact any of the following companies: Allied Mayflower United Thank you.注意:此处不能使用分号连接,如下所示
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^\[Company-list\]/r company.list;/^\[Company-list\]/d;' text For service, contact any of the following companies: [Company-list] Thank you.因为r命令会把company.list;/^[Company-list]/d;整体作为文件名称识别,此文件名不存在所以读取操作认为文件不存在不会报错,原样输出。
[root@localhost ~]# cat text Adams, Henrietta Northeast Banks, Freda South Dennis, Jim Midwest Garvey, Bill Northeast Jeffries, Jane West Madison, Sylvia Midwest Sommes, Tom South [root@localhost ~]# sed '/Northeast$/w region.northeast /South$/w region.south /Midwest$/w region.midwest /West$/w region.west' text Adams, Henrietta Northeast Banks, Freda South Dennis, Jim Midwest Garvey, Bill Northeast Jeffries, Jane West Madison, Sylvia Midwest Sommes, Tom South [root@localhost ~]# ls region.* region.midwest region.northeast region.south region.west [root@localhost ~]# cat region.* Dennis, Jim Midwest Madison, Sylvia Midwest Adams, Henrietta Northeast Garvey, Bill Northeast Banks, Freda South Sommes, Tom South Jeffries, Jane West八、退出命令: q
[root@localhost ~]# cat -n list #查看list内容 1 John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA 2 Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA 3 Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK 4 Terry Kalkas, 402 Lans Road, Beaver Falls PA 5 Eric Adams, 20 Post Road, Sudbury MA 6 Hubert Sims, 328A Brook Road, Roanoke VA 7 Amy Wilde, 334 Bayshore Pkwy, Mountain View CA 8 Sal Carpenter, 73 6th Street, Boston MA [root@localhost ~]# sed '3q' list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK实例2:使用p命令打印前三行内容
[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1,3p' list John Daggett, 341 King Road, Plymouth MA Alice Ford, 22 East Broadway, Richmond VA Orville Thomas, 11345 Oak Bridge Road, Tulsa OK说明:但是对于大文件来说,实例1比实例2效率更高,因为实例1读取到第N行之后就退出了。实例2虽然打印了前N行,但是后续的行还是要继续读入,只不会不作处理。