实例1:替换以下文本中的”Owner and Operator Guide”为”Installation Guide”
[root@localhost ~]# cat text Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator Guide for a description of the tape drives available on your system. [root@localhost ~]# sed '/Operator$/{N;s/Owner and Operator\nGuide/Installation Guide/}' text Consult Section 3.1 in the Installation Guide for a description of the tape drives available on your system.不过这个例子有两个局限:
● 我们知道Owner and Operator Guide分割的位置;
● 执行替换命令后,前后两行拼接在一起,导致这行过长;
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/Operator$/{N;s/Owner and Operator\nGuide/Installation Guide\n/}' text Consult Section 3.1 in the Installation Guide for a description of the tape drives available on your system.实例2:Owener and Operator Guide出现在多行的多个位置
[root@localhost ~]# cat text #原文文本 Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator Guide for a description of the tape drives available on your system. Look in the Owner and Operator Guide shipped with your system. Two manuals are provided including the Owner and Operator Guide and the User Guide. The Owner and Operator Guide is shipped with your system. [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/Owner and Operator Guide/Installation Guide/ > /Owner/{ > N > s/ *\n/ / > s/Owner and Operator Guide */Installation Guide> / > }' text Consult Section 3.1 in the Installation Guide for a description of the tape drives available on your system. Look in the Installation Guide shipped with your system. Two manuals are provided including the Installation Guide and the User Guide. The Installation Guide is shipped with your system.说明:这里我们首先将在单行出现的Owner and Operator Guide替换为Installation Guide,然后再寻找匹配Owner的行,匹配后读取下一行的内容到模式空间,并且将中间的换行符替换成空格,最后再替换Owner and Operator Guide。
看上去sed命令中作了两次替换是多余的。实际上,如果去掉第一次替换,再运行脚本,就会发现输出存在两个问题。一个是结果中最后一行不会被替换(在某些版本的sed中甚至不会被输出)。这是因为最后一行匹配了"Owner",执行N命令,但是已经到了文件末尾,某些版本就会直接打印这行再退出,而另外一些版本则是不作出打印立即退出。对于这个问题可以通过命令"$!N"来解决。这表示N命令对最后一行不起作用。另外一个问题是"look manuals"一段被拆为两行,而且与下一段的空行被删除了。这是因为内嵌的换行符被替换的结果。因此,sed中做两次替换一点也不是多余的。
[root@localhost ~]# cat text This line is followed by 1 blank line. This line is followed by 2 blank line. This line is followed by 3 blank line. This line is followed by 4 blank line. This is the end.使用d命令删除如下:
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/{N;/^\n$/d}' text This line is followed by 1 blank line. This line is followed by 2 blank line. This line is followed by 3 blank line. This line is followed by 4 blank line. This is the end.说明:我们会发现一个奇怪的结果,奇数个数的相连空行已经被合并成一行,但是偶数个数的却全部被删除了。造成这样的原因需要重新翻译下上面的命令,当匹配一个空行是,将下一行也读取到模式空间,然后若下一行也是空行,则模式空间中的内容应该是\n,因此匹配^\n$,从而执行d命令会将模式空间中的内容清空,结果就是相连的两个空行都被删除。这样就可以理解为什么相连奇数个空行的情况下是正常的,而偶数个数就有问题了。
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/{N;/^\n$/D}' text This line is followed by 1 blank line. This line is followed by 2 blank line. This line is followed by 3 blank line. This line is followed by 4 blank line. This is the end.说明:D命令只会删除模式空间的第一行,而且删除后会重新在模式空间的内容上执行编辑命令,类似形成一个循环,前提是相连的都是空行。当匹配一个空行时,N读取下一行内容,此时匹配^\n$导致模式空间中的第一行被删除。现在模式空间中的内容是空的,重新执行编辑命令,此时匹配/^$/。继续读取下一行,当下一行依然为空行时,重复之前的动作,否则输出当前模式空间的内容。造成的结果是连续多个空行,只有最后一个空行是保留输出的,其余的都被删除了。这样的结果才是我们最初希望得到的。
[root@localhost ~]# echo -e "line1nline2nline3" | sed '$!N;P;D' line1nline2nline3 [root@localhost ~]# echo -e "line1\nline2\nline3" | sed '$!N;P;D' line1 line2 line3实例2:
[root@localhost ~]# echo -e "line1\nline2\nline3" | sed -n 'N;1P'说明:你可能期望打印第一行的内容,事实上并没有输出。原因是当N继续读入第二行后,当前行号已经是2了,行号只是sed在内部维护的一个计数变量而已,每当读入新的一行,行号就加一。
[root@localhost ~]# echo -e "line1\nline2\nline3" | sed -n '$!N;=' 2 3实例4:N/P/D三个命令是如何配合使用
[root@localhost ~]# cat -n f1 1 The UNIX 2 System and UNIX 3 ... [root@localhost ~]# sed '/UNIX$/{N;s/\nSystem/ Operating &/;P;D}' f1 The UNIX Operating System and UNIX ...实例4执行流程图: