To ensure Apache loads mod_perl before OCS Inventory NG Communication Server,
Setup can name Communication Server Apache configuration file
'z-ocsinventory-server.conf' instead of 'ocsinventory-server.conf'.
Do you allow Setup renaming Communication Server Apache configuration file
to 'z-ocsinventory-server.conf' ([y]/n) ?
OK, using 'z-ocsinventory-server.conf' as Communication Server Apache configuration file
Removing old communication server configuration to file /etc/httpd/conf.d//ocsinventory.conf
Writing communication server configuration to file /etc/httpd/conf.d//z-ocsinventory-server.conf
| OK, Communication server setup sucessfully finished ;-) |
| |
| Please, review /etc/httpd/conf.d//z-ocsinventory-server.conf
| to ensure all is good. Then restart Apache daemon. |
Do you wish to setup Administration Server (Web Administration Console)
on this computer ([y]/n)?
| Checking for Administration Server directories... |
CAUTION: Setup now install files in accordance with Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard. So, no file is installed under Apache root document directory
(Refer to Apache configuration files to locate it).
If you're upgrading from OCS Inventory NG Server 1.01 and previous, YOU
MUST REMOVE (or move) directories 'ocsreports' and 'download' from Apache
root document directory.
If you choose to move directory, YOU MUST MOVE 'download' directory to
Administration Server writable/cache directory (by default
/var/lib/ocsinventory-reports), especialy if you use deployement feature.
Do you wish to continue ([y]/n)?
Assuming directories 'ocsreports' and 'download' removed from
Apache root document directory.
Where to copy Administration Server static files for PHP Web Console
[/usr/share/ocsinventory-reports] ?
OK, using directory /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports to install static files ;-)
Where to create writable/cache directories for deployement packages and
IPDiscover [/var/lib/ocsinventory-reports] ?
Communication server can create detailled logs. This logs can be enabled
by setting interger value of LOGLEVEL to 1 in Administration console
menu Configuration.
Where to put Communication server log directory [/var/log/ocsinventory-server] ?
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using localhost.localdomain for ServerName
[ OK ]
4.安装好之后客户端windows xp直接打开ie 输入就会进入安装界面
7.步骤一检查目录权限因为脚本中已经chmod 777了所以这里直接继续即可。
8.步骤一输入localhost,mysql user root 密码在脚本中123456具体密码难度可以自己设置。
12.点击使用glpi 进入身份验证界面输入glpi glpi即可。
总结刚开始是用手动安装的遇到的问题如下:1.刚开始因为yum -y 没装make所以不能make
2.yum -y install的时候因为没装 php-mbstring ,所以在web安装的时候出现
3.因为网上的一些资料并不是很完整,所以遇到很多问题,在perl的时候或者make test的时候经常出现问题。
4.其实有些make test的时候出现问题并没有什么关系,刚开始还以为会出现问题。其实有些是可以忽略的。