Press <enter> to see the detailed list.
Feature Prerequisites Install?
----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------
Core Package [*] URI always
[*] MIME::Base64
[*] XML::Parser (v2.23)
Client HTTP support [*] LWP::UserAgent [ yes ]
Client HTTPS support [ ] Crypt::SSLeay [ no ]
Client SMTP/sendmail support [ ] MIME::Lite [ no ]
Client FTP support [*] IO::File [ yes ]
[*] Net::FTP
Standalone HTTP server [*] HTTP::Daemon [ yes ]
Apache/mod_perl server [ ] Apache [ no ]
FastCGI server [ ] FCGI [ no ]
POP3 server [ ] MIME::Parser [ no ]
[*] Net::POP3
IO server [*] IO::File [ yes ]
MQ transport support [ ] MQSeries [ no ]
JABBER transport support [ ] Net::Jabber [ no ]
MIME messages [ ] MIME::Parser [ no ]
DIME messages [ ] IO::Scalar (v2.105) [ no ]
[ ] DIME::Tools (v0.03)
[ ] Data::UUID (v0.11)
SSL Support for TCP Transport [ ] IO::Socket::SSL [ no ]
Compression support for HTTP [*] Compress::Zlib [ yes ]
MIME interoperability w/ Axis [ ] MIME::Parser (v6.106) [ no ]
--- An asterix '[*]' indicates if the module is currently installed.
Do you want to proceed with this configuration? [yes]
CentOS 6.0安装GLPI 0.78总结(3)