IJCAI:【International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence】人工智能会议,偏AI方向。AI最好的综合性会议,奇数年召开。CCF的A类会议。
ICCV:【International Conference on Computer vision】计算机视觉方向,奇数年召开,CCF的A类会议。
CVPR:【IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition】每年召开,CCF的A类会议。
AAAI:【AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence】 CCF的A类会议!
ICML:【International Conference on Machine Learning】机器学习顶级会议!CCF的A类会议!
NIPS:【Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems】偏向机器学习和神经计算,CCF的B类会议!但我认为这个会议与ICML都非常好!
ECCV:【European Conference on Computer Vision】欧洲的计算机视觉会议,CCF的B类会议!
ACCV:【Asian Conference on Computer Vision】亚洲的计算机视觉会议,CCF的C类会议!
ACM International Conference on Multimedia:偏多媒体会议。CCF的A类会议!
Artificial Intelligence : IF(2012) 2.252
International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV): IF(2012) 3.741-重点
IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(PAMI):IF(2012) 4.908-重点
Journal of Machine Learning Research:IF(2012) 2.561
International Journal of Computer Vision:IF(2012) 3.741
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia:IF(2012) 1.935
Pattern Recognition:IF(2012) 2.292
IEEE Transactions on image processing:IF(2012) 3.042-重点
Computer Vision and Image Understanding:IF(2012) 1.34
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology:IF(2012) 1.649