
9. Barousel

Barousel is a jQuery plugin to easily generate simple carouselswhere each slide is defined by an image + any type of relatedcontent.

10. jCarouselLite

jCarousel Lite is a jQuery plugin that carries you on a carouselride filled with images and HTML content. Put simply, you cannavigate images and/or HTML in a carousel-style widget. It is superlight weight, at about 2 KB in size, yet very flexible andcustomizable to fit most of our needs.

11. bxSlider

12. jQuery.carouFredSel

jQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any kind of HTML elementinto a carousel. It can scroll one or multiple itemssimultaneously, horizontal or vertical, infinite and circular,automatically or by user interaction.

13. 3DCarousel

Created a 3D Carousel from a list of images, with reflections andanimated by mouse position.

14. InfiniteCarousel jQuery

Around the beginning of this month I released version 1.0.1 of theInfinite Carousel jQuery plugin. About a week later I received anemail asking if I could add the ability for a visitor to jump to aspecific image in the carousel. I’d seen this functionality inother carousels (none that run in infinite loops) where smallimages or some other user interface was displayed that allowedsomeone to pick an image and go directly to it. At first I thoughtsure, how hard could it be to enable this? If the current carouselcould flow infinitely picture by picture, how difficult could it beto fast forward to a specific image in the sequence? Little did irealize what I was in for.

15. Sandbox

This plugin was commissioned by a client. The code base for thecarousel came from a Cnet who generously provide an Open Source MITlicense. Please use the comments to make suggestions for updatedversions, or contact me directly.

16. jQueryFeature Carousel

This plug-in was intended to be used to display feature stories ona home page of a website, but can be used for any reason and ishighly customizable. It will always display three images at thesame time, with all the rest hidden behind the center image. I havedetailed instructions for using the plug-in, as well as a list ofall the options and some frequent questions. If you have anyquestions about the carousel, please post a commentbelow.

