17. jQueryLiquid Carousel plugin
Liquid carousel is a
jQuery plugin intended for liquid designs.Every time the container
of the carousel gets resized, the numberof items in the list change
to fit the new width.
18. jQueryCarousel
19. imBannerRotater
I created simple
JQuery plugin that rotates images on a page.Actually, there are
three modes: random, rotate, carousel, andportfolio. In the default
mode, random, the plugin will display arandomly selected image. In
the rotate mode, the plugin will rotateimages on a page (fading
in/out). In this mode, you can select thespeed of the rotation. In
the carousel mode, the images will moveto the left in a carousel
effect. I recently added a portfolio modethat using the same
carousel effect, but the images are displayeddifferently. The image
data can be retrieved ajaxally (json or acomma separated list). If
the data is Json, a url can be added foreach image. You can also
set the image title and set whether theurl will appear in a
separate window (target = ‘_blank’) or in thesame window (target =
20. jMyCarousel
21. jQueryWaterwheel Carousel
This jQuery plugin can
display images with a cascading waterfalleffect. It can be
positioned either horizontally or vertically, andcustom events can
fired when an image rotates into the center or isclicked. The
callback functions can be used to programaticallytrigger
Lightbox-type effects, or load specific content intoanother region
of the website. There are a lot of possibilitieshere.
22. Roundabout
Roundabout is a jQuery
plugin that converts a structure of staticHTML elements into a
highly customizable turntable-like interactivearea. (And now, not
just turntables, but many shapes!)
23. jQueryk3dCarousel plugin
I needed a “3D”
carousel to rotate images. The currently availablejQuery plugins
for this purpose were either too large, toorestricted (showing only
4 at a time is not good enough), or tooold (not working in jQuery
24. Flash3D Carousel
At Bug Software we
like jQuery and we like Flash! So we thought wecould combine them
to to create some really cool stuff.