实例解析ES6 Proxy使用场景介绍(2)
如果要直接为对象的所有属性开发一个校验器可能很快就会让代码结构变得臃肿,使用 Proxy 则可以将校验器从核心逻辑分离出来自成一体:
function createValidator(target, validator) { return new Proxy(target, { _validator: validator, set(target, key, value, proxy) { if (target.hasOwnProperty(key)) { let validator = this._validator[key]; if (!!validator(value)) { return Reflect.set(target, key, value, proxy); } else { throw Error(`Cannot set ${key} to ${value}. Invalid.`); } } else { throw Error(`${key} is not a valid property`) } } }); } const personValidators = { name(val) { return typeof val === 'string'; }, age(val) { return typeof age === 'number' && age > 18; } } class Person { constructor(name, age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; return createValidator(this, personValidators); } } const bill = new Person('Bill', 25); // 以下操作都会报错 bill.name = 0; bill.age = 'Bill'; bill.age = 15;
通过校验器和主逻辑的分离,你可以无限扩展 personValidators 校验器的内容,而不会对相关的类或函数造成直接破坏。更复杂一点,我们还可以使用 Proxy 模拟类型检查,检查函数是否接收了类型和数量都正确的参数:
let obj = { pickyMethodOne: function(obj, str, num) { /* ... */ }, pickyMethodTwo: function(num, obj) { /*... */ } }; const argTypes = { pickyMethodOne: ["object", "string", "number"], pickyMethodTwo: ["number", "object"] }; obj = new Proxy(obj, { get: function(target, key, proxy) { var value = target[key]; return function(...args) { var checkArgs = argChecker(key, args, argTypes[key]); return Reflect.apply(value, target, args); }; } }); function argChecker(name, args, checkers) { for (var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) { var arg = args[idx]; var type = checkers[idx]; if (!arg || typeof arg !== type) { console.warn(`You are incorrectly implementing the signature of ${name}. Check param ${idx + 1}`); } } } obj.pickyMethodOne(); // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodOne. Check param 1 // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodOne. Check param 2 // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodOne. Check param 3 obj.pickyMethodTwo("wopdopadoo", {}); // > You are incorrectly implementing the signature of pickyMethodTwo. Check param 1 // No warnings logged obj.pickyMethodOne({}, "a little string", 123); obj.pickyMethodOne(123, {});
2. 私有属性
在 JavaScript 或其他语言中,大家会约定俗成地在变量名之前添加下划线 _ 来表明这是一个私有属性(并不是真正的私有),但我们无法保证真的没人会去访问或修改它。在下面的代码中,我们声明了一个私有的 apiKey,便于 api 这个对象内部的方法调用,但不希望从外部也能够访问 api._apiKey: