var api = { _apiKey: '123abc456def', /* mock methods that use this._apiKey */ getUsers: function(){}, getUser: function(userId){}, setUser: function(userId, config){} }; // logs '123abc456def'; console.log("An apiKey we want to keep private", api._apiKey); // get and mutate _apiKeys as desired var apiKey = api._apiKey; api._apiKey = '987654321';
很显然,约定俗成是没有束缚力的。使用 ES6 Proxy 我们就可以实现真实的私有变量了,下面针对不同的读取方式演示两个不同的私有化方法。第一种方法是使用 set / get 拦截读写请求并返回 undefined:
let api = { _apiKey: '123abc456def', getUsers: function(){ }, getUser: function(userId){ }, setUser: function(userId, config){ } }; const RESTRICTED = ['_apiKey']; api = new Proxy(api, { get(target, key, proxy) { if(RESTRICTED.indexOf(key) > -1) { throw Error(`${key} is restricted. Please see api documentation for further info.`); } return Reflect.get(target, key, proxy); }, set(target, key, value, proxy) { if(RESTRICTED.indexOf(key) > -1) { throw Error(`${key} is restricted. Please see api documentation for further info.`); } return Reflect.get(target, key, value, proxy); } }); // 以下操作都会抛出错误 console.log(api._apiKey); api._apiKey = '987654321';
第二种方法是使用 has 拦截 in 操作:
var api = { _apiKey: '123abc456def', getUsers: function(){ }, getUser: function(userId){ }, setUser: function(userId, config){ } }; const RESTRICTED = ['_apiKey']; api = new Proxy(api, { has(target, key) { return (RESTRICTED.indexOf(key) > -1) ? false : Reflect.has(target, key); } }); // these log false, and `for in` iterators will ignore _apiKey console.log("_apiKey" in api); for (var key in api) { if (api.hasOwnProperty(key) && key === "_apiKey") { console.log("This will never be logged because the proxy obscures _apiKey...") } }
3. 访问日志
对于那些调用频繁、运行缓慢或占用执行环境资源较多的属性或接口,开发者会希望记录它们的使用情况或性能表现,这个时候就可以使用 Proxy 充当中间件的角色,轻而易举实现日志功能:
let api = { _apiKey: '123abc456def', getUsers: function() { /* ... */ }, getUser: function(userId) { /* ... */ }, setUser: function(userId, config) { /* ... */ } }; function logMethodAsync(timestamp, method) { setTimeout(function() { console.log(`${timestamp} - Logging ${method} request asynchronously.`); }, 0) } api = new Proxy(api, { get: function(target, key, proxy) { var value = target[key]; return function(...arguments) { logMethodAsync(new Date(), key); return Reflect.apply(value, target, arguments); }; } }); api.getUsers();