Whether to enable LOCAL capability in the client library for LOAD DATA INFILE.
This option controls client-side LOCAL capability, but the capability can be set on the server side at server startup with the --local-infile option.
Which extra character sets to include:
all: All character sets. This is the default.
complex: Complex character sets.
none: No extra character sets.
Whether to generate memcached shared libraries (libmemcached.so and innodb_engine.so).
The type of SSL support to include (if any) or the path name to the OpenSSL installation to use.
ssl_type can be one of the following values:
no: No SSL support. This is the default before MySQL 5.6.6. As of 5.6.6, this is no longer a permitted value and the default is bundled.
yes: Use the system SSL library if present, else the library bundled with the distribution.
bundled: Use the SSL library bundled with the distribution. This is the default as of MySQL 5.6.6.
system: Use the system SSL library.
path_name, permitted for MySQL 5.6.7 and after, is the path name to the OpenSSL installation to use. Using this can be preferable to using the ssl_type value of system, for it can prevent CMake from detecting and using an older or incorrect OpenSSL version installed on the system. (Another permitted way to do the same thing is to set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option to path_name.).
bundled: Use thezliblibrary bundled with the distribution. This is the default.
system: Use the system zlib library.
2. mysql多实例配置mysql可以实现多实例,但因为多实例会共用服务器资源,导致资源争用,在某实例某一刻资源占用很多时(高并发、慢查询),其他的实例会受到影响。
启停的时候使用mysqld_multi {start|stop|restart} N。N可以是单个数字,也可以是逗号分隔的多个数字,还可以是短横线表示的范围数字。如果不是rpm包安装的,则mysqld_multi文件的路径在support-files中,将其copy到/etc/init.d下即可(没有原生态的systemd多实例服务管理脚本)。
mysqld_multi start 1,2,4-6
shell> mkdir -p /mydata/{3306,3307}/data shell> chown -R mysql.mysql /mydata/{3306,3307}/data shell> mysql_install_db --datadir=/mydata/3306/data --user=mysql shell> mysql_install_db --datadir=/mydata/3307/data --user=mysql shell> cp /etc/my.cnf /mydata/3306/my.cnf shell> cp /etc/my.cnf /mydata/3307/my.cnf如果是设置mysql 5.7的多实���,则初始化时使用如下命令替换上面的mysql_install_db。
shell> mysqld --initialize-insecure --datadir=/mydata/3306/data --user=mysql shell> mysqld --initialize-insecure --datadir=/mydata/3307/data --user=mysql分别修改两个配置文件。
#以下是3306实例的配置文件要修改的部分。 shell> vim /mydata/3306/my.cnf [mysqld] port=3306 datadir=/mydata/3306/data socket=/mydata/3306/data/mysql.sock server_id=1 [mysqld_safe] log-error=/mydata/3306/data/mysqld.log pid-file=/mydata/3306/data/mysqld.pid #以下是3307实例的配置文件要修改部分。 shell> vim /mydata/3307/my.cnf [mysqld] port=3307 datadir=/mydata/3307/data socket=/mydata/3307/data/mysql.sock server_id=2 [mysqld_safe] log-error=/mydata/3307/data/mysqld.log pid-file=/mydata/3307/data/mysqld.pid 2.2 提供sysV服务管理脚本再分别提供服务管理脚本。