OBEY Processes parameter statements contained in a different parameter file.
可以将外部文件的内容包含到本参数文件中来。用于将一些可以重复利用的参数文件部分内容隔离出来,便于统一修改。Obey tables.txt
RECOVERYOPTIONS Controls the recovery mode of the Extract process.
NOTCPSOURCETIMER Adjusts timestamps of records transferred to other systems when those systems reflect different times.
NOTRACETABLE Causes Extract to ignore database changes generated by Replicat during bidirectional synchronization. Supports Oracle
(2)处理方法Processing method
BEGIN Specifies when to begin a processing run.
DSOPTIONS Specifies Extract processing options when a Teradata Access Module (TAM) is being used.
END Specifies when to end a processing run.
EXTRACT Defines an Extract group as an online process. ##定义抽取进程的名字
IGNOREAPPLOPS Controls whether or not operations from all processes except Replicat are written to a trail or file.
IGNOREREPLICATES Controls whether or not replicated operations are captured by an Extract on the same system.
PASSTHRU | Controls whether tables will be processed by a data-pump Extract in pass-through mode or whether data definitions will be required
NOPASSTHRU 禁止extract与数据库交互,适用于Data Pump传输进程(dpeXX)。
NOPASSTHRU普通模式可以配置表名列名自定义映射,可以加FILTER、transformation等,需要配置一个数据定义文件(data-definitions file)
RMTTASK Creates a processing task on a remote system.
SOURCEISTABLE Extracts entire records from source tables.
SPECIALRUN Specifies a one-time processing task that does not checkpoint from run to run.
VAM Indicates that a Teradata Access Module (TAM) is being used to provide transactional data to the Extract process.
(3)数据库登陆Database login
SOURCEDB Specifies the data source as part of the login information.
USERID Specifies database connection information.
[SOURCEDB,] USERID ,PASSWORD 指定所要登陆的数据库名称,用户名和密码。对于oracle无需指定sourcedb,直接指定用户名和密码即可。
Userid goldengate, password goldengate
(4)数据匹配和映射 Selecting and mapping data
ASCIITOEBCDIC Converts ASCII text to EBCDIC for DB2 on z/OS systems running UNIX System Services.
COLMATCH Establishes global column-mapping rules.
NOCOMPRESSDELETES Controls whether Oracle GoldenGate writes only the key or all columns to the trail for delete operations.
NOCOMPRESSUPDATES Causes only primary key columns and changed columns to be logged for updates.
DDL Enables and filters the capture of DDL operations.
DDLSUBST Enables string substitution in DDL processing.
FETCHOPTIONS Controls certain aspects of the way that Oracle GoldenGate fetches data.
--当使用了 HANDLECOLLISIONS 时,请使用该参数。复制进程出现丢失update记录(missing update)并且更新的是主键,update将转换成insert。由于插入的记录可能不是完整的行,若要保证完整需要加入此参数
GETDELETES | IGNOREDELETES Controls the extraction of delete operations.是否复制delete操作,缺省复制
GETINSERTS | IGNOREINSERTS Controls the extraction of insert operations.是否复制insert操作,缺省复制
GETTRUNCATES |IGNORETRUNCATES Controls the extraction of truncate statements. 是否复制truncate操作,缺省不复制.
GETUPDATEAFTERS | IGNOREUPDATEAFTERS Controls the extraction of update after images.##是否在队列中写入后影像,缺省复制
GETUPDATEBEFORES |IGNOREUPDATEBEFORES Controls the extraction of update before images.是否在队列中写入前影像,缺省不复制
GETUPDATES | IGNOREUPDATES Controls the extraction of update operations 是否复制update操作,缺省复制
REPLACEBADCHAR Replaces invalid character values with another value.
SEQUENCE Specifies sequences for synchronization.
TABLE for Extract Specifies tables for extraction and controls column mapping and conversion.