TABLEEXCLUDE Excludes tables from the extraction process.
tableexclude ctais2.TMP_*;
tableexclude ctais2.TEMPTAB;
TARGETDEFS Specifies a file containing target table definitions for target databases that reside on the NonStop platform.
NOTRIMSPACES Controls whether trailing spaces are trimmed or not when mapping CHAR to VARCHAR columns.
WILDCARDRESOLVE Defines rules for processing wildcard table specifications in a TABLE statement.
(5)数据转发 Routing data
EXTFILE Specifies an extract file to which extracted data is written on the local system.
EXTTRAIL Specifies a trail to which extracted data is written on the local system.
示例:EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/ya --本地队列文件路径
RMTFILE Specifies an extract file to which extracted data is written on a remote system.
RMTHOST Specifies the target system and Manager port number.
指定目标系统及其GoldenGate Manager进程的端口号,也用于定义是否使用压缩进行传输。
示例:rmthost,mgrport 7809, compress
RMTTRAIL Specifies a trail to which extracted data is written on a remote system.
(6)数据格式化Formatting data
FORMATASCII Formats extracted data in external ASCII format.
FORMATSQL Formats extracted data into equivalent SQL statements.
FORMATXML Formats extracted data into equivalent XML syntax.
NOHEADERS Prevents record headers from being written to the trail.
(7)自定义处理 Custom processing
CUSEREXIT Invokes a user exit routine during processing.
INCLUDE Invokes a macro library.
MACRO Defines an Oracle GoldenGate macro.
MACROCHAR Defines a macro character other than the default of #.
SQLEXEC Executes a stored procedure or query during Extract processing.
在extract运行时首先运行一个sql语句。 示例:sqlexec "Alter session set constraints=deferred"
NOVARWIDTHNCHAR Controls whether length information is written to the trail for NCHAR columns.
CMDTRACE Displays macro expansion steps in the Extract report file.
LIST | NOLIST Displays or suppresses the listing of macros in the report file.