
<script> window.joint=require('jointjs'); var Shape = joint.dia.Element.define('default.Rectangle', { attrs: { rect: { refWidth: '100%', refHeight: '100%', //下面这些可以自己设置 fill:{ type: 'linearGradient', stops: [ {offset: '0%', color: '#B0E0E6'},//渐变开始 {offset: '100%', color: '#F0F8FF'}//渐变结束 ] }, stroke: '#B0E0E6', strokeWidth: 1, rx: 5,//圆角 ry: 5 }, text: { refX: '50%', refY: '50%', textVerticalAnchor: 'middle', textAnchor: 'middle', fontSize: 10 } } }, { markup: '<rect/><text/>', setText: function(text) { return this.attr('text/text', text || ''); }, setShapeStyle:function(shapeStyle){ let newstyle = Object.assign({},this.attr('rect'),shapeStyle); return this.attr('rect',newstyle) }, setTextStyle:function(textStyle){ let newstyle = Object.assign({},this.attr('text'),textStyle); return this.attr('text',newstyle) } } ); var Link = joint.dia.Link.define('default.Link', { attrs: { '.connection': { stroke: '#2F4F4F',//线 strokeWidth: 1, pointerEvents: 'none', targetMarker: {//箭头 type: 'path', fill: '#2F4F4F',//填充颜色 stroke: '#2F4F4F',//边框颜色 strokeWidth:'1', d: 'M 2 -2 0 0 2 2 z'//形状 } } }, connector: { name: 'rounded' }, z: -1, weight: 1, minLen: 1, labelPosition: 'c', labelOffset: 10, labelSize: { width: 50, height: 30 }, labels: [{ markup: '<rect/><text/>', attrs: { text: { fill: 'gray', textAnchor: 'middle', refY: 5, refY2: '-50%', fontSize: 10, cursor: 'pointer' }, // rect: { // fill: 'lightgray', // stroke: 'gray', // strokeWidth: 2, // refWidth: '100%', // refHeight: '100%', // refX: '-50%', // refY: '-50%', // rx: 5, // ry: 5 // } }, size: { width: 50, height: 10 } }] }, { markup: '<path/><g/>', connect: function(sourceId, targetId) { return this.set({ source: { id: sourceId }, target: { id: targetId } }); }, setLabelText: function(text) { return this.prop('labels/0/attrs/text/text', text || ''); } }); var ElementView = joint.dia.ElementView.extend({ pointerdown: function () { // this._click = true; // joint.dia.ElementView.prototype.pointerdown.apply(this, arguments); }, pointermove: function(evt, x, y) { // this._click = false; // joint.dia.ElementView.prototype.pointermove.apply(this, arguments); }, pointerup: function (evt, x, y) { // if (this._click) { // // triggers an event on the paper and the element itself // this.notify('cell:click', evt, x, y); // } else { // joint.dia.ElementView.prototype.pointerup.apply(this, arguments); // } } }); var LinkView = joint.dia.LinkView.extend({ addVertex: function(evt, x, y) {}, removeVertex: function(endType) {}, pointerdown:function(evt, x, y) {} }); export default { data(){ return{ graph:null, paper:null, show:true } }, props:{ graphData:{ type:Object, required:true } }, mounted(){ let w = document.getElementById('container').width ; this.graph = new joint.dia.Graph; this.paper = new joint.dia.Paper({ el: document.getElementById('myholder'), width: w, height: 250, model: this.graph, elementView: ElementView,//禁止拖拽 linkView:LinkView//禁止拖拽 }); this.layout(); }, methods:{ getWidthandHeight(label){ let maxLineLength = _.max(label.split('\n'), function(l) { return l.length; }).length, // Compute width/height of the rectangle based on the number // of lines in the label and the letter size. 0.6 * letterSize is // an approximation of the monospace font letter width. letterSize = 8, width = 2 * (letterSize * (0.6 * maxLineLength + 1)), height = 2 * ((label.split('\n').length + 1) * letterSize); return {width,height} }, getLayoutOptions() { return { // setVertices: false, // setLabels: false, // ranker:'longer-path',//'tight-tree''network-simplex', rankDir: 'LR', align: 'UR', rankSep:0, edgeSep:0, nodeSep:0, }; }, buildGraphFromAdjacencyList(adjacencyList) { let elements = [],links = [],obj,size,node; const _this=this; const map=this.graphData.node; Object.keys(adjacencyList).forEach(function(parentId) { // Add element obj =map[parentId]; size = _this.getWidthandHeight(obj.text); node =new Shape({id:parentId,size:size}).setText(obj.text); if(obj.category&&obj.category.shapeStyle){ node = node.setShapeStyle(obj.category.shapeStyle); } if(obj.category&&obj.category.textStyle){ node = node.setTextStyle(obj.category.textStyle); } elements.push(node); // Add links adjacencyList[parentId].forEach(function(childId) { links.push( new Link().connect(parentId, childId)// .setLabelText(parentLabel + '-' + childLabel) ); }); }); return elements.concat(links); }, layout() { let cells = this.buildGraphFromAdjacencyList(this.graphData.edge); this.graph.resetCells(cells); joint.layout.DirectedGraph.layout(this.graph, this.getLayoutOptions()); }, } } </script> <style> #myholder { border: 1px solid lightgray; margin-bottom:20px; padding-left:20px } .tip{ color:#9ACD32; font-size:0.9em; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; } </style>

