YII Framework框架教程之日志用法详解(3)

Performance profiling is a special type of message logging. Performance profiling can be used to measure the time needed for the specified code blocks and find out what the performance bottleneck is.


To use performance profiling, we need to identify which code blocks need to be profiled. We mark the beginning and the end of each code block by inserting the following methods:


Yii::beginProfile('blockID'); ...code block being profiled... Yii::endProfile('blockID');

where blockID is an ID that uniquely identifies the code block.


Note, code blocks need to be nested properly. That is, a code block cannot intersect with another. It must be either at a parallel level or be completely enclosed by the other code block.


To show profiling result, we need to install a CLogRouter application component with a CProfileLogRoute log route. This is the same as we do with normal message routing. The CProfileLogRoute route will display the performance results at the end of the current page.


6. Profiling SQL Executions 分析SQL执行

Profiling is especially useful when working with database since SQL executions are often the main performance bottleneck of an application. While we can manually insert beginProfile and endProfilestatements at appropriate places to measure the time spent in each SQL execution, starting from version 1.0.6, Yii provides a more systematic approach to solve this problem.


By setting CDbConnection::enableProfiling to be true in the application configuration, every SQL statement being executed will be profiled. The results can be readily displayed using the aforementionedCProfileLogRoute, which can show us how much time is spent in executing what SQL statement. We can also call CDbConnection::getStats() to retrieve the total number SQL statements executed and their total execution time.

再实际的应用程序当中通过设置CDbConnection::enableProfiling爱分析每一个正在执行的SQL语句。使用 CProfileLogRoute,结果可以很容易地显示。它可以显示我们是在执行什么SQL语句花费多少时间。我们也可以调用CDbConnection:getStats()来分析检索SQL语句的执行总数和其总的执行时间。


