ElasticSearch 配置文件译文解析(2)

# A node can have generic attributes associated with it, which can later be used
# for customized shard allocation filtering, or allocation awareness. An attribute
# is a simple key value pair, similar to node.key: value, here is an example:
# 一个节点可以附带一些普通的属性,这些属性可以在后面的自定义分片分配过滤或者allocation awareness中使用。
# 一个属性就是一个简单的键值对,类似于node.key: value, 这里有一个例子:
# node.rack: rack314

# By default, multiple nodes are allowed to start from the same installation location
# to disable it, set the following:
# 默认的,多个节点允许从同一个安装位置启动。若想禁止这个特性,按照下面所示配置:
# node.max_local_storage_nodes: 1

#################################### 索引 ####################################

# You can set a number of options (such as shard/replica options, mapping
# or analyzer definitions, translog settings, ...) for indices globally,
# in this file.
# 你可以在这个文件中为所有的索引设置一系列的全局操作(例如 分片/副本 操作,mapping(映射)
# 或者分词器定义,translog配置,...)
# Note, that it makes more sense to configure index settings specifically for
# a certain index, either when creating it or by using the index templates API.
# 提示,针对一个特定的索引进行配置更合理,不论是在创建索引还是使用索引模板API的时候。
# See <> and
# <>
# for more information.
# 详情见<>和
# <>

# Set the number of shards (splits) of an index (5 by default):
# 设置一个索引的分片数量(默认为5)
# index.number_of_shards: 5

# Set the number of replicas (additional copies) of an index (1 by default):
# 设置一个索引的副本数量(默认为1)
# index.number_of_replicas: 1

# Note, that for development on a local machine, with small indices, it usually
# makes sense to "disable" the distributed features:
# 注意,为了使用小的索引在本地机器上开发,禁用分布式特性是合理的做法。
# index.number_of_shards: 1
# index.number_of_replicas: 0

# These settings directly affect the performance of index and search operations
# in your cluster. Assuming you have enough machines to hold shards and
# replicas, the rule of thumb is:
# 这些设置会直接影响索引和查询操作的在集群中的性能。假如你有足够的机器来放分片和副本,
# 最佳实践是:
# 1. Having more *shards* enhances the _indexing_ performance and allows to
#    _distribute_ a big index across machines.
# 1. 索引分片分的多一些,可以提高索引的性能,并且把一个大的索引分布到机器中去。
# 2. Having more *replicas* enhances the _search_ performance and improves the
#    cluster _availability_.
# 2. 副本分片分的多一些,可以提高搜索的性能,并且提高集群的可用性。
# The "number_of_shards" is a one-time setting for an index.
# "number_of_shards"对一个索引来说只能配置一次
# The "number_of_replicas" can be increased or decreased anytime,
# by using the Index Update Settings API.
# "number_of_replicas"在任何时候都可以增加或减少,通过Index Update Settings(索引更新配置)API可以做到这一点。
# ElasticSearch takes care about load balancing, relocating, gathering the
# results from nodes, etc. Experiment with different settings to fine-tune
# your setup.
# ElasticSearch 会维护load balancin(负载均衡),relocating(重定位),合并来自各个节点的结果等等。
# 你可以实验不同的配置来进行优化。

# Use the Index Status API (<:9200/A/_status>) to inspect
# the index status.
# 使用Index Status(索引状态)API (<:9200/A/_status>)查看索引状态

#################################### Paths(路径) ####################################

# Path to directory containing configuration (this file and logging.yml):
# 包含配置(这个文件和logging.yml)的目录的路径
# path.conf: /path/to/conf

# Path to directory where to store index data allocated for this node.
# 存储这个节点的索引数据的目录的路径
# path.data: /path/to/data
# Can optionally include more than one location, causing data to be striped across
# the locations (a la RAID 0) on a file level, favouring locations with most free
# space on creation. For example:
# 可以随意的包含不止一个位置,这样数据会在文件层跨越多个位置(a la RAID 0),创建时会
# 优先选择大的剩余空间的位置
# path.data: /path/to/data1,/path/to/data2

# Path to temporary files:
# 临时文件的路径
# path.work: /path/to/work

# Path to log files:
# 日志文件的路径
# path.logs: /path/to/logs

# Path to where plugins are installed:
# ��件安装路径
# path.plugins: /path/to/plugins

#################################### 插件 ###################################

