ElasticSearch 配置文件译文解析(3)

# If a plugin listed here is not installed for current node, the node will not start.
# 如果当前结点没有安装下面列出的插件,结点不会启动
# plugin.mandatory: mapper-attachments,lang-groovy

################################### 内存 ####################################

# ElasticSearch performs poorly when JVM starts swapping: you should ensure that
# it _never_ swaps.
# 当JVM开始swapping(换页)时ElasticSearch性能会低下,你应该保证它不会换页
# Set this property to true to lock the memory:
# 设置这个属性为true来锁定内存
# bootstrap.mlockall: true

# Make sure that the ES_MIN_MEM and ES_MAX_MEM environment variables are set
# to the same value, and that the machine has enough memory to allocate
# for ElasticSearch, leaving enough memory for the operating system itself.
# 确保ES_MIN_MEM和ES_MAX_MEM环境变量设置成了同一个值,确保机器有足够的内存来分配
# 给ElasticSearch,并且保留足够的内存给操作系统
# You should also make sure that the ElasticSearch process is allowed to lock
# the memory, eg. by using `ulimit -l unlimited`.
# 你应该确保ElasticSearch的进程可以锁定内存,例如:使用`ulimit -l unlimited`

############################## Network(网络) 和 HTTP ###############################

# ElasticSearch, by default, binds itself to the address, and listens
# on port [9200-9300] for HTTP traffic and on port [9300-9400] for node-to-node
# communication. (the range means that if the port is busy, it will automatically
# try the next port).
# 默认的ElasticSearch把自己和0.0.0.0地址绑定,HTTP传输的监听端口在[9200-9300],节点之间
# 通信的端口在[9300-9400]。(范围的意思是说如果一个端口已经被占用,它将会自动尝试下一个端口)

# Set the bind address specifically (IPv4 or IPv6):
# 设置一个特定的绑定地址(IPv4 or IPv6):
# network.bind_host:

# Set the address other nodes will use to communicate with this node. If not
# set, it is automatically derived. It must point to an actual IP address.
# 设置其他节点用来与这个节点通信的地址。如果没有设定,会自动获取。
# 必须是一个真实的IP地址。
# network.publish_host:

# Set both 'bind_host' and 'publish_host':
# 'bind_host'和'publish_host'都设置
# network.host:

# Set a custom port for the node to node communication (9300 by default):
# 为节点之间的通信设置一个自定义端口(默认为9300)
# transport.tcp.port: 9300

# Enable compression for all communication between nodes (disabled by default):
# 为所有的节点间的通信启用压缩(默认为禁用)
# transport.tcp.compress: true

# Set a custom port to listen for HTTP traffic:
# 设置一个监听HTTP传输的自定义端口
# http.port: 9200

# Set a custom allowed content length:
# 设置一个自定义的允许的内容长度
# http.max_content_length: 100mb

# Disable HTTP completely:
# 完全禁用HTTP
# http.enabled: false

################################### Gateway ###################################

# The gateway allows for persisting the cluster state between full cluster
# restarts. Every change to the state (such as adding an index) will be stored
# in the gateway, and when the cluster starts up for the first time,
# it will read its state from the gateway.
# Gateway支持持久化集群状态。状态的每一个改变(例如添加一个索引)将会被存储在gateway,
# 当集群第一次启动时,它会从gateway中读取它的状态。

# There are several types of gateway implementations. For more information,
# see <>.
# 还有多种类型的gateway实现。详情见<>

# The default gateway type is the "local" gateway (recommended):
# 默认的gateway类型是 "local" gateway(推荐)
# gateway.type: local

# Settings below control how and when to start the initial recovery process on
# a full cluster restart (to reuse as much local data as possible when using shared
# gateway).
# 下面的配置控制怎样以及何时启动一整个集群重启的初始化恢复过程
# (当使用shard gateway时,是为了尽可能的重用local data(本地数据))

# Allow recovery process after N nodes in a cluster are up:
# 一个集群中的N个节点启动后,才允许进行恢复处理
# gateway.recover_after_nodes: 1

