
var GLOBAL_OBJECT = this;

/* `foo` is a property of a Global object.
It is created via variable declaration and so has DontDelete attribute.
This is why it can not be deleted. */

var foo = 1;
delete foo; // false
typeof foo; // "number"

/* `bar` is a property of a Global object.
It is created via function declaration and so has DontDelete attribute.
This is why it can not be deleted either. */

function bar(){}
delete bar; // false
typeof bar; // "function"

/* `baz` is also a property of a Global object.
However, it is created via property assignment and so has no DontDelete attribute.
This is why it can be deleted. */

GLOBAL_OBJECT.baz = 'blah';
delete GLOBAL_OBJECT.baz; // true
typeof GLOBAL_OBJECT.baz; // "undefined"


  一句话:属性中一个独特的特性(DontDelete)控制着这个属性是否能被删除。注意,对象的内置属性(即对象的预定义属性)有DontDelete 特性,因此不能被删除。特定的Arguments 变量(或者,正如我们现在了解的,激活对象的属性),任何函数实例的length属性也拥有DontDelete 特性。

复制代码 代码如下:


/* can't delete `arguments`, since it has DontDelete */

delete arguments; // false
typeof arguments; // "object"

/* can't delete function's `length`; it also has DontDelete */

function f(){}
delete f.length; // false
typeof f.length; // "number"


与函数参数相对应的创建的属性也有DontDelete 特性,因此也不能被删除。

复制代码 代码如下:

(function(foo, bar){

delete foo; // false
foo; // 1

delete bar; // false
bar; // 'blah'

})(1, 'blah');



复制代码 代码如下:

var GLOBAL_OBJECT = this;

/* create global property via variable declaration; property has DontDelete */
var foo = 1;

/* create global property via undeclared assignment; property has no DontDelete */
bar = 2;//可理解为; 根据上面的第五点是可以删除的

delete foo; // false
typeof foo; // "number"

delete bar; // true
typeof bar; // "undefined"


复制代码 代码如下:

/* `foo` is created as a property with DontDelete */
function foo(){}

/* Later assignments do not modify attributes. DontDelete is still there! */
foo = 1;
delete foo; // false
typeof foo; // "number"

/* But assigning to a property that doesn't exist,
creates that property with empty attributes (and so without DontDelete) */ = 1;
delete bar; // true
typeof bar; // "undefined"

八、Eval code

复制代码 代码如下:

eval("var x = 1;");
console.log(x); // 1
delete x;
console.log(typeof x); // undefined

eval("function test(){ var x=1; console.log(delete x);/* false */;return 1;}");
console.log(test()); // 1
delete test;
console.log(typeof test); // undefined  




复制代码 代码如下:

