Toxic is an AJAX toolkit, or framework, for creating rich web applications. It handles the tedious and repetetive tasks involved in integrating a client created using html and javascript with a server backend. It enables client side javascript to directly call class methods in PHP5 (or any other suitable language). It also enables the server side PHP to directly call client side javascript functions. Using Toxic you can get rid of much of the tedious work in form intensive rich web applications.
Homepage: ?id=40
Plex Toolkit
Open source feature-complete DHTML GUI toolkit and AJAX framework based on a Javascript/DOM implementation of Macromedia's Flex technology. Uses the almost identical markup language to Flex embedded in ordinary HTML documents for describing the UI. Binding is done with Javascript.
CPAINT (Cross-Platform Asynchronous INterface Toolkit) is a multi-language toolkit that helps web developers design and implement AJAX web applications with ease and flexibility.
DOM-Drag is a lightweight, easy to use, dragging API for modern DHTML browsers.
Enterprise Class AJAX
Rubust AJAX framework
qooxdoo is an advanced open-source javascript based toolkit. qooxdoo continues where simple HTML is not enough anymore. This way qooxdoo can help you to get your rich web application interface done - easier than ever before.
Demo: ?id=5
AJFORM is a JavaScript toolkit which simply submits data from any given form in an HTML page, then sends the data to any specified JavaScript function. AJFORM degrades gracefully in every aspect. In other words, if the browser doesn't support it, the data will be sent through the form as normal.
ThyAPI is an api to allow the developement of better user interfaces for web applicaticions, Using javascript and Ajax, it allows a complete visual interface definition using CSS and encapsulates all objects data manipulateion.
Engine for Web Applications is an application framework for client-side development and Web applications. It provides an environment in which to develop and run JavaScript components and applications.
AJAXGear Toolkit
It is a toolkit that allows you to take advantage of the client-side technique known as AJAX. AJAX is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It uses the XMLHttpRequest object to allow a Web browser to make asynchronous call to the Web server without the need to refresh the whole page.
Interactive Website Framework
A framework for creating highly interactive websites using javascript, css, xml, and html. Includes a custom xml parser for highly readable javascript. Essentially, all the plumbing for making AJAX-based websites, with js-based GUI toolkit.
RSlite is an extremely lightweight implementation of remote scripting which uses cookies. It is very widely browser-compatible (Opera!) but limited to single calls and small amounts of data.
XMLHTTP is a technology with which a developer can access external resources over HTTP from a static web page without ever having to reload the page itself. This library is meant to simplify and unify the code necessary to successfully send and receive simple data via XMLHTTP.