人机交互技术 Week 2_History of HCI

Recap: Interaction Design

Interaction Design

Designing interactive products to support people in their everyday and working lives.

Goals of ID

Allows users to carry out tasks safely, effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably.

Recap: Why is HCI important?

Computers (in one way or another) now affect every person in society

Product success may depend on ease of use, not necessarily power

Why study human use of computers?

HCI is worth studying because it aligns both human interests and economic interests.

The HCI discipline includes the study of:

the use and context of computers

human characterstics

computer system and interface architecture

the development process

History of HCI

key people, events and ideas

Main theme




Five stages

Manual work


Command line

第一次人机交互革命 ↓


Network UI

Multi-modal UI


Natural use interface, NUI



Intelligent use interface, IUI

Input/Output devices


The lesson

Keyboards & terminals are just artifacts of today's technologies

artifact: 人造物->我们或许也可以某种程度上改变世界

New input/output devices will change the way we interact with computers

Basic Interactions

Direct Manipulation of graphical objects

direct Manipulation 有学术定义

The Mouse




Vannevar Bush (1890-1974)

"As we may think" article in Atlantic Monthly

建议阅读 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/303881/

Identified the information storage and retrieval problem: new knowledge does not reach the people who could benefit from it.

"publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record"

Bush's Memex

Conceiving Hypertext and the World Wide Web

a device where individuals stores all personal books, records, communication.etc

items retrieved rapidly through indexing, keywords, cross references,...

can annotate text with margin notes comments...

can construct and save a trail (chain of links) through the material

acts as an external memory

Bush's Memex based on microfilm recorder

but not implemented


↑ 涉及到世界认知的本源问题——如果世界的本源是离散的,那么离散建模没有问题;如果世界的本源并非离散,那么有可能现在阶段的建模是完全错误的

J.C.R. licklider (1915-1990)

"Computing's Johnny Appleseed"

His ideas foretold of graphical computing, point-and-click interfaces, digital libraries, e-commerce, online banking, and software that would exist on a network and migrate to wherever it was needed.

Outlined "man-computer symbiosis"

Immediate goals

time sharing of computers among many users


electronic i/o for the display and communication of symbolic and pictorial information

interactive real time system for information processing and programming

large scale information storage and retrieval


facilitation of human cooperation in the design & programming of large systems

combined speech recognition, hand-printed character recognition & light-pen editing

Long tem visions

natural language understanding (syntax, semantics, pragmatics)

syntax 语法:The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence

semantics 语义:The study or science of meaning in language forms

pragmatics 语用:The study of language as it is used in a social context and affects the interlocutors(对话者) and their behavior

speech recognition of arbitrary computer users

heuristic programming

Ivan Sutherland's SketchPad


Sophisticated drawing package

Introduced many ideas/concepts now found in today's interface

hierarchical structures defined pictures and sub-pictures

object-oriented programming: master pictures with instances

constraints: specify details which the system maintains through changes

icons: small pictures that represented more complex items

copying: both pictures and constraints

input techniques: efficient use of light pen

world coordinates: separation of screen from drawing coordinates

recursive operations: applied to children of hierarchical objects

Parallel developments in hardware

"low-cost" graphics terminals

input devices such as data tablets

display processors capable of real-time manipulation of images


ACM Turning Award

Douglas Engelbart

The problem (early '50s)

