Kaggle 广告转化率预测比赛小结

Kaggle 广告转化率预测比赛小结

20天的时间参加了Kaggle的 Avito Demand Prediction Challenged ,第一次参加,成绩离奖牌一步之遥,感谢各位队友,学到的东西远比成绩要丰硕得多。希望每记录一次可以进步一次。下面将我这段时间的心路历程进行记录,作为经历,也作为自己的经验:

可点击 -- Github



In their fourth Kaggle competition, Avito is challenging you to predict demand for an online advertisement based on its full description (title, description, images, etc.), its context (geographically where it was posted, similar ads already posted) and historical demand for similar ads in similar contexts. With this information, Avito can inform sellers on how to best optimize their listing and provide some indication of how much interest they should realistically expect to receive.

Excuse me! 可能我英语真的不好,但是你真的只说了举办这个比赛你们是为了什么,而没说我们对于比赛要干什么

