69. x 的平方根

Implement int sqrt(int x).

Compute and return the square root of x, where x is guaranteed to be a non-negative integer.

Since the return type is an integer, the decimal digits are truncated and only the integer part of the result is returned.

Example 1:

Input: 4 Output: 2

Example 2:

Input: 8 Output: 2 Explanation: The square root of 8 is 2.82842..., and since   the decimal part is truncated, 2 is returned.

实现 int sqrt(int x) 函数。

计算并返回 x 的平方根,其中 x 是非负整数。


示例 1:

输入: 4 输出: 2

示例 2:

输入: 8 输出: 2 说明: 8 的平方根是 2.82842...,   由于返回类型是整数,小数部分将被舍去。 版本:二分法用除法(20ms)


