
装箱问题(Bin Packing Problem)

装箱问题即搬家公司问题。一个搬家公司有无限多的箱子,每个箱子的承重上限为W,当搬家公司进入一个房间时,所有物品都必须被装入箱子,每个物品的重量为wi (i=1,...,m),规划装箱方式,使得使用的箱子最少。此文及所有本博克中的博文均为原创,本博克不转发他人博文,特此声明。



一个海运公司有若干货轮, 一个货轮的最大载重量4000吨, 客户货物的重量是 1020T, 1930T, 3575T, 2861T, 4221T, 1541T, 2348T, and 1170T, 问如何分配货物可以使总计需求的货轮数量(航次) 最小。






        sum{i=1,...,n} x[i][j] = 1 | j=1,...,m            // (1) 




       min sum{i=1,...,n} y[i]                              //(2)




     sum{j=1,...,m} x[i][j] <= W*y[i] | i=1,...,n   //(3)




综合(1)-(3), 装箱问题模型的核心部分如下: 


 min sum{i=1,...,n} y[i]                                               //(2)

subject to 

       sum{i=1,...,n} x[i][j] = 1 | j=1,...,m                     // (1) 

       sum{j=1,...,m} x[i][j]w[i] <= W*y[i] | i=1,...,n    //(3)






       m,n are integers

       W is a number

       w is a set

       x[i][j] is a variable of binary|i=1,...,n;j=1,...,m

       y[i] is a variable of binary|i=1,...,n







       w={1020, 1930,3575,2861,4221,1541,2348, 1170}


       m=_$(w)        // <--  _$(w) 函数给出集合w中的元素数。

       n=m/2           // <-- 预备箱子数取为物体数的一半。





求解模型,在Leapms环境中, 首先使用load命令调入并解析模型,  而后使用"cplex" 命令调用IBMC PLEX求解器完成求解.


Leapms>load Current directory is "ROOT". ......... binpacking.leap ......... lease input the filename:binpacking =============================================================== : //------------------------------------------------------- : : min sum{i=1,...,n} y[i] //(2) : subject to : sum{i=1,...,n} x[i][j] = 1 | j=1,...,m // (1) : sum{j=1,...,m} x[i][j]w[i] <= W*y[i] | i=1,...,n //(3) : where : m,n are integers : W is a number 0: w is a set 1: x[i][j] is a variable of binary|i=1,...,n;j=1,...,m 2: y[i] is a variable of binary|i=1,...,n 3: data 4: W=4000 5: w={1020M, 1930M, 3575M, 2861M, 4221M, 1541M, 2348M, 1170} 6: //w={1020, 1930,3575,2861,4221,1541,2348, 1170} 7: data_relation 8: m=_$(w) 9: n=m 0: //------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================== >end of the file. arsing model: D R V O C S End. ................................. umber of variables=72 umber of constraints=16 ................................. Leapms>cplex You must have licience for Ilo Cplex, otherwise you will violate corresponding copyrights, continue(Y/N)? 你必须有Ilo Cplex软件的授权才能使用此功能,否则会侵犯相应版权, 是否继续(Y/N)?y Tried aggregator 1 time. MIP Presolve eliminated 1 rows and 9 columns. MIP Presolve modified 61 coefficients. Reduced MIP has 15 rows, 63 columns, and 119 nonzeros. Reduced MIP has 63 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators. Presolve time = 0.02 sec. (0.14 ticks) Found incumbent of value 7.000000 after 0.08 sec. (0.32 ticks) Probing time = 0.00 sec. (0.06 ticks) Tried aggregator 1 time. Reduced MIP has 15 rows, 63 columns, and 119 nonzeros. Reduced MIP has 63 binaries, 0 generals, 0 SOSs, and 0 indicators. Presolve time = 0.02 sec. (0.08 ticks) Probing time = 0.00 sec. (0.06 ticks) Clique table members: 43. MIP emphasis: balance optimality and feasibility. MIP search method: dynamic search. Parallel mode: deterministic, using up to 4 threads. Root relaxation solution time = 0.00 sec. (0.05 ticks) Nodes Cuts/ Node Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Bound ItCnt Gap * 0+ 0 7.0000 0.0000 100.00% * 0+ 0 4.0000 0.0000 100.00% 0 0 2.2824 5 4.0000 2.2824 8 42.94% * 0+ 0 3.0000 2.2824 23.92% 0 0 cutoff 3.0000 2.2824 8 23.92% Elapsed time = 0.20 sec. (0.72 ticks, tree = 0.00 MB, solutions = 3) Root node processing (before b&c): Real time = 0.22 sec. (0.72 ticks) Parallel b&c, 4 threads: Real time = 0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks) Sync time (average) = 0.00 sec. Wait time (average) = 0.00 sec. ------------ Total (root+branch&cut) = 0.22 sec. (0.72 ticks) Solution status = Optimal Solution value = 3 x1_1=1 x1_5=1 x1_8=1 x6_2=1 x6_7=1 x8_3=1 x8_4=1 x8_6=1 y1=1 y6=1 y8=1

