How to Make a Computer Operating System (2)


Install Vagrant 安装Vagrant

Vagrant is free and open-source software for creating and configuring virtual development environments. It can be considered a wrapper around VirtualBox.


Vagrant will help us create a clean virtual development environment on whatever system you are using.
The first step is to download and install Vagrant for your system at

Vagrant将帮助我们在您使用的任何系统上创建一个干净的虚拟开发环境。第一步是在 为您的系统下载并安装Vagrant。

Install Virtualbox 安装Virtualbox

Oracle VM VirtualBox is a virtualization software package for x86 and AMD64/Intel64-based computers.

Oracle VM VirtualBox是一个针对x86和AMD64/intel64计算机的虚拟化软件包。

Vagrant needs Virtualbox to work, Download and install for your system at


Start and test your development environment 启动并测试您的开发环境

Once Vagrant and Virtualbox are installed, you need to download the ubuntu lucid32 image for Vagrant:

安装好Vagrant和Virtualbox后,需要下载ubuntu lucid32的Vagrant:

vagrant box add lucid32

Once the lucid32 image is ready, we need to define our development environment using a Vagrantfile, create a file named Vagrantfile. This file defines what prerequisites our environment needs: nasm, make, build-essential, grub and qemu.

一但lucid32映像准备好了,我们就可以使用 Vagrantfile 定义开发环境,创建一个名为 Vagrantfile 的文件。使用这个文件需要先准备以下环境:nasm、make、build-essential、grub和qemu。

Start your box using:


vagrant up

You can now access your box by using ssh to connect to the virtual box using:


vagrant ssh

The directory containing the Vagrantfile will be mounted by default in the /vagrant directory of the guest VM (in this case, Ubuntu Lucid32):

包含Vagrantfile的目录将默认挂载在客户VM的 /vagrant 目录中(本例中为Ubuntu Lucid32):

cd /vagrant Build and test our operating system 构建和测试我们的操作系统

The file Makefile defines some basics rules for building the kernel, the user libc and some userland programs.




make all

Test our operating system with qemu:


make run

The documentation for qemu is available at QEMU Emulator Documentation.

You can exit the emulator using: Ctrl-a.

qemu的文档可以在QEMU Emulator Documentation(qemu模拟器文档)中找到。


Chapter 3: First boot with GRUB 第3章:GRUB主引导 How the boot works?


When an x86-based computer is turned on, it begins a complex path to get to the stage where control is transferred to our kernel's "main" routine (kmain()). For this course, we are only going to consider the BIOS boot method and not it's successor (UEFI).


The BIOS boot sequence is: RAM detection -> Hardware detection/Initialization -> Boot sequence.


The most important step for us is the "Boot sequence", where the BIOS is done with its initialization and tries to transfer control to the next stage of the bootloader process.


During the "Boot sequence", the BIOS will try to determine a "boot device" (e.g. floppy disk, hard-disk, CD, USB flash memory device or network). Our Operating System will initially boot from the hard-disk (but it will be possible to boot it from a CD or a USB flash memory device in future). A device is considered bootable if the bootsector contains the valid signature bytes 0x55 and 0xAA at offsets 511 and 512 respectively (called the magic bytes of the Master Boot Record, also known as the MBR). This signature is represented (in binary) as 0b1010101001010101. The alternating bit pattern was thought to be a protection against certain failures (drive or controller). If this pattern is garbled or 0x00, the device is not considered bootable.

