imx515 开发板Android源代码编译过程

Android requires the following system packages:

flex: This lexical analyzer generator is used to read a given input file for a description of a scanner to generate.

bison: This is a general-purpose parser generator.

gperf: This is a perfect hash function generator.

libesd0-dev: This enlightened sound daemon (dev files) is used to mix digitized audio streams for playback by a single device.

libwxgtk2.6-dev: This package provides GUI components and other facilities for many different platforms.

build-essential: This package contains a list of packages considered fundamental to building Debian packages.$sudo apt-get install flex bison gperf libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential

安装好jdk 1.5.0


# Begin set java environment

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.5.0_22

export JRE_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.5.0_22/jre


export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JRE_HOME/bin:$PATH

# End set java environment

Unpack i.MX Android Release Package

After you setup a Linux PC, unpack the FSL i.MX Android Release Package using the following commands:

$ cd

/opt (or any other directory you like)

$ tar xzvf


$ cd imx-android-r8/code

$ tar xzvf r8.tar.gz

Assume you had unzipped i.MX

Android release package to /opt/imx-android-r8/.

$ cd /opt




$ tar xzvf





-C /opt

Now you can find your cross compiler at /opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.5-nptl-3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin


#Freescale CrossCompiler Env

export ARCH=arm

export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.5-nptl-3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

export PATH=/opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.5-nptl-3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin:$PATH


Prebuilt Image for uboot :

i.MX51 BBG3 board

Booting from SD

bootloader : imx51_BBG/u-boot.bin

kernel: imx51_BBG/uImage

Android file system:

"/":  imx51_BBG/SD/uramdisk.img

"/system":  imx51_BBG/SD/system.img

"/data" : imx51_BBG/SD/userdata.img. Not provided as it's empty.

"/recovery" : imx51_BBG/SD/recovery.img

Booting from TFTP/NFS

bootloader :

bootloader in SD: Same as "Booting from SD"

bootloader in SPI NOR: imx51_BBG/u-boot.bin

kernel: same as "Booting from SD"

Android file system: all in imx51_BBG/NFS/android_fs.tar.gz


Get Android Source Code (Android /Kernel /uboot )

the Android source code is maintained as more than 100 gits in an Android repository (Visit GitWeb from browser).

To get the Android source code from Google repo , follow the steps:

Assume you had unzipped i.MX

Android release package to /opt/imx-android-r8/.

$ cd


$ mkdir


$ cd


$ curl > ./repo

$ chmod



$ ./repo

init -u git://

-b eclair

$ cp /opt/imx-android-r8/code/r8/default.xml .repo/manifests/default.xml

(To avoid loading unnecessary gits

from Google repo

, meanwhile load some gits

from Google repo

which is not included in default manifest)

$ ./repo


Get a clean kernel source code from

$ cd


$ git

clone git:// kernel_imx

If you use uboot as your bootloader , then you need get a clean source code base from the original git :

$ cd myandroid/bootable/bootloader

$ git clone git:// uboot-imx

Patch Code for i.MX  

Apply all i.MX Android patches using following steps:

Assume you had unzipped i.MX

Android release package to /opt/imx-android-r8/.

$ cd


$ . /opt/imx-android-r8/code/r8/

$ help

Now you should see "c_patch

" function is available for you

$ c_patch /opt/imx-android-r8/code/r8 imx_r8

Here "/opt/imx-android-r8/code/r8" is the location of the patches (i.e. directory created when you unzip release package)

"imx_r8" is the branch which will be created automatically for you to hold all patches (only in those existing Google gits


You can choose any branch name you like instead of "imx_r8".

If everything is OK, "c_patch

" will generate the following output to indicate successful patch:


Success: Now you can build android code for FSL i.MX



Note: The patch script ( ) utalizes  some basic utilities like awk/sed . If they are not available on your LinuxPC , install them in advance.

Build uboot

$ cd ~/myandroid/bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx

$ echo $ARCH && echo $CROSS_COMPILE

Make sure you have those 2 environment variables set

Command to build for i.MX51 BBG3 board is:

$ make mx51_bbg_android_config

$ make

"u-boot.bin " is generated if you have a successful build.

