新 Android 病毒 MMarketPay.A 超过 10 手机感染

一种名为 MMarketPay.A 的新型手机病毒已经在中国传播,目前已有大约 10 万台手机感染,涉及国内的 9 个应用商店。

这个病毒是由 TrustGo 发现的并将其命名为 ‘MMarketPay.A’ — 该恶意软件会自动从国内的应用商店(M-Market)购买软件。而且 TrustGo 提供证据表明下列第三方的应用商店的应用已经受影响: nDuoa, GFan, AppChina, LIQU, ANFONE, Soft.3g.cn, TalkPhone和 AZ4SD.

当用户从这些商店中下载被感染的应用时,可能会存在账单累积的风险。MMarketPay.A 可以屏蔽短信安全步骤,无需用户确认直接定制来自 M-Market 的收费服务。

TrustGo 团队解释 M-Market 支付系统的工作原理,以及病毒是如何破解:

Customers login at M-Market website ().

No login required if f you are using CMWAP as Access Point. M-Market will send a verification code to you via SMS if customer purchased paid apps or contents. Customers receive the verification code and input it to M-Market for verification.

Once the verification completed, the market will download apps automatically. China Mobile will add this order in customers’ phone bill.

[The virus] MMarketPay.A can place orders via M-Market payment system automatically:

Changes the APN to CMWAP, so that it can login MMarket automatically.

Finds paid application and simulates the click action in background.

Intercept the received SMS messages and collect verification code sent by M-Market. If CAPTCHA image is invoked, it will post the image to remote server for analyzing the verification code.

Post the verification code to M-Market website.

Download the application and customers get charged.

M-Market 同时包含很多收费的视频内容,病毒同样可以搜索、播放和下载这些内容,而这个过程对手机用户来说是不知道的。

MMarketPlay.A 目前只影响国内的应用生态系统,Google Play 不受此影响。

