


比方说PHP5-GD库~ 我们安装好后发现phpinfo中的提示是 2.0 or higher. 虽然大部分的功能都有,但是这个库并不完整。

在一次西林我做 Drupal项目中就出现 Drupal 报错,导致image模块的部分功能缺失!开始还很诧异,问了一下朋友,朋友说应该不会出现这样的问题(后来才知道,他一直都是编译安装 T-T)。


GD Image Filtering 和 GD Image Rotation 无法正常工作,系统提示的意思为该GD库版本不是官方的发行版本!



主要问题就在GD库上,很多人说APT包中的GD库是被修改过的,然后再编译整合。所以会出现不能功能的缺失。既然找到问题所在了就有办法解决。我在 Cumu.li 的网站上看到他提出的解决办法。BLOG原文如下:

I’ve been installing the LAMP stack on an Ubuntu based server for a client. They rely on the version of LibGD that’s bundled with PHP5. This version includes certain functions including imagerotate()  and others.

It seems that the people who build Ubuntu (and Debian) distribution do not want to compile PHP5 with the version of GD that comes bundled with PHP5. As far as I can tell the guys at Ubuntu (and Debian) consider this to be a fork of the original GD library and think that this could be a security risk. Their stance on it is that if PHP want to use this version then they should contribute the changes that have been made to the original GD library back to the core project. This seems fair enough, but unfortunately I can’t immediately change the direction of an open source project this big – or probably any project, come to think about it!

After a bit of rummaging around on the Internet I found nothing to do with actually compiling in this support, so I tried to work out how to do this… In theory! I found a link on Ubuntu forums about including the GMP library I roughly followed this through.



# Install build tools, debian helpers and fakeroot
apt-get install build-essential debhelper fakeroot
# source code should reside in /usr/src
cd /usr/src
# Download PHP source
apt-get source php5
# Install all packages required to build PHP5
apt-get build-dep php5
cd php5-5.2.3

