

Gibraltar是一份基于Debian GNU/Linux的防火墙套件,它可以直接从光盘启动,所以硬盘安装不是必需的。系统配置数据既可以存放在硬盘上,也可以存放在软盘或USB存储设备上。Gibraltar专门面向中小型企业设计,它作为一份最新的防火墙套件能满足各种需求。当病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马及网络攻击者的活动迅速增长时,Gibraltar为你的网络连接提供广泛的保护。Gibraltar能保护所有类型的网络连接,无论你是在使用静态线缆、DSL或拨号连接,Gibraltar都确保你的网络连接是安全的。除了商业发布版本,Gibraltar也有可免费获得的发行。

Rene Mayrhofer has announced the release of Gibraltar() Firewall 2.5, a Debian-based firewall distribution: "It is our pleasure to announce the release of Gibraltar version 2.5. After over a year of intensive evaluation, development, and testing, this is our best release so far. This release introduces major new features: web filtering based on dynamic content inspection in addition to the usual blacklist-based approach; SSL-VPN - an HTTPS portal to Intranet services with the SSL Explorer community edition and some of its extensions; captive portal, e.g. for WLAN hotspots, based on Chillispot; an OpenVPN module in the web administration interface; a unified user management based on OpenLDAP and FreeRADIUS, user authentication for the HTTP proxy, SMTP, IPSec user certificates, IPSec/L2TP, PPTP, OpenVPN, and the captive portal is now done via a single user database." Read the rest of the release announcement for a detailed explanation about the new features. Download:(,com_weblinks/catid,19/Itemid,40/lang,en/) gibraltar-2.5.iso.bz2( (254MB, SHA1()).

