用最复杂的方式学会数组(Python实现动态数组) (2)



动态数组 什么是动态数组




分配具有更大容量的新数组 list2

设置 list2[i] = list1[i] (i=0,1,2,...,n-1),其中n是该项目的当前编号

设置list1 = list2,也就是说,list2正在作为新的数组来引用我们的新列表。






# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019-11-01 17:10 # @Author : yuzhou_1su # @ContactMe : https://blog.csdn.net/yuzhou_1shu # @File : DynamicArray.py # @Software : PyCharm import ctypes class DynamicArray: """A dynamic array class akin to a simplified Python list.""" def __init__(self): """Create an empty array.""" self.n = 0 # count actual elements self.capacity = 1 # default array capacity self.A = self._make_array(self.capacity) # low-level array def is_empty(self): """ Return True if array is empty""" return self.n == 0 def __len__(self): """Return numbers of elements stored in the array.""" return self.n def __getitem__(self, i): """Return element at index i.""" if not 0 <= i < self.n: # Check it i index is in bounds of array raise ValueError('invalid index') return self.A[i] def append(self, obj): """Add object to end of the array.""" if self.n == self.capacity: # Double capacity if not enough room self._resize(2 * self.capacity) self.A[self.n] = obj # Set self.n index to obj self.n += 1 def _resize(self, c): """Resize internal array to capacity c.""" B = self._make_array(c) # New bigger array for k in range(self.n): # Reference all existing values B[k] = self.A[k] self.A = B # Call A the new bigger array self.capacity = c # Reset the capacity @staticmethod def _make_array(c): """Return new array with capacity c.""" return (c * ctypes.py_object)() def insert(self, k, value): """Insert value at position k.""" if self.n == self.capacity: self._resize(2 * self.capacity) for j in range(self.n, k, -1): self.A[j] = self.A[j-1] self.A[k] = value self.n += 1 def pop(self, index=0): """Remove item at index (default first).""" if index >= self.n or index < 0: raise ValueError('invalid index') for i in range(index, self.n-1): self.A[i] = self.A[i+1] self.A[self.n - 1] = None self.n -= 1 def remove(self, value): """Remove the first occurrence of a value in the array.""" for k in range(self.n): if self.A[k] == value: for j in range(k, self.n - 1): self.A[j] = self.A[j+1] self.A[self.n - 1] = None self.n -= 1 return raise ValueError('value not found') def _print(self): """Print the array.""" for i in range(self.n): print(self.A[i], end=' ') print() 测试动态数组Python代码

