



云计算: 云计算最火的语言, 典型应用OpenStack,k8s

WEB开发: 众多优秀的WEB框架,众多大型网站均为Python开发,***, Dropbox, 豆瓣。。。, 典型WEB框架有Django,flask,Tornado

科学运算、人工智能: 典型库NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Enthought librarys,pandas

系统运维: 运维人员必备语言


图形GUI: PyQT, WxPython,TkInter


谷歌:Google App Engine 、 、Google earth 、谷歌爬虫、Google广告等项目都在大量使用Python开发

CIA: 美国中情局网站就是用Python开发的

NASA: 美国航天局(NASA)大量使用Python进行数据分析和运算





Redhat: 世界上最流行的Linux发行版本中的yum包管理工具就是用python开发的

豆瓣: 公司几乎所有的业务均是通过Python开发的

知乎: 国内最大的问答社区,通过Python开发(国外Quora)


除上面之外,还有搜狐、金山、腾讯、盛大、网易、百度、阿里、淘宝 、土豆、新浪、果壳等公司都在使用Python完成各种各样的任务。



1989年,为了打发圣诞节假期,Guido开始写Python语言的编译器。Python这个名字,来自Guido所挚爱的电视剧Monty Python’s Flying Circus。他希望这个新的叫做Python的语言,能符合他的理想:创造一种C和shell之间,功能全面,易学易用,可拓展的语言。


Granddaddy of Python web frameworks, Zope 1 was released in 1999

Python 1.0 - January 1994 增加了 lambda, map, filter and reduce.

Python 2.0 - October 16, 2000,加入了内存回收机制,构成了现在Python语言框架的基础

Python 2.4 - November 30, 2004, 同年目前最流行的WEB框架Django 诞生

Python 2.5 - September 19, 2006

Python 2.6 - October 1, 2008

Python 2.7 - July 3, 2010

In November 2014, it was announced that Python 2.7 would be supported until 2020, and reaffirmed that there would be no 2.8 release as users were expected to move to Python 3.4+ as soon as possible

Python 3.8.3 May 13, 2020 Download

Python 3.8.3rc1 April 29, 2020 Download

Python 2.7.18 April 20, 2020 Download Release Notes

Python 3.7.7 March 10, 2020 Download

Python 3.8.2 Feb. 24, 2020 Download

Python 3.8.1 Dec. 18, 2019 Download

Python 3.7.6 Dec. 18, 2019 Download

Python 3.6.10 Dec. 18, 2019 Download

Python 3.5.9 Nov. 2, 2019 Download

Python 3.5.8 Oct. 29, 2019 Download

Python 2.7.17 Oct. 19, 2019 Download Release Notes

Python 3.7.5 Oct. 15, 2019 Download

Python 3.8.0 Oct. 14, 2019 Download

Python 3.7.4 July 8, 2019 Download

Python 3.6.9 July 2, 2019 Download

Python 3.7.3 March 25, 2019 Download

Python 3.4.10 March 18, 2019 Download

Python 3.5.7 March 18, 2019 Download

Python 2.7.16 March 4, 2019 Download Release Notes

Python 3.7.2 Dec. 24, 2018 Download

Python 3.6.8 Dec. 24, 2018 Download

Python 3.7.1 Oct. 20, 2018 Download

Python 3.6.7 Oct. 20, 2018 Download

Python 3.5.6 Aug. 2, 2018 Download

Python 3.4.9 Aug. 2, 2018 Download

Python 3.7.0 June 27, 2018 Download

Python 3.6.6 June 27, 2018 Download

Python 2.7.15 May 1, 2018 Download Release Notes

Python 3.6.5 March 28, 2018 Download

Python 3.4.8 Feb. 5, 2018 Download

Python 3.5.5 Feb. 5, 2018 Download

Python 3.6.4 Dec. 19, 2017 Download

Python 3.6.3 Oct. 3, 2017 Download

Python 3.3.7 Sept. 19, 2017 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.14 Sept. 16, 2017 Download Release Notes

Python 3.4.7 Aug. 9, 2017 Download

Python 3.5.4 Aug. 8, 2017 Download

Python 3.6.2 July 17, 2017 Download

Python 3.6.1 March 21, 2017 Download

Python 3.4.6 Jan. 17, 2017 Download

Python 3.5.3 Jan. 17, 2017 Download

Python 3.6.0 Dec. 23, 2016 Download

Python 2.7.13 Dec. 17, 2016 Download Release Notes

Python 3.4.5 June 27, 2016 Download

Python 3.5.2 June 27, 2016 Download

Python 2.7.12 June 25, 2016 Download Release Notes

Python 3.4.4 Dec. 21, 2015 Download

Python 3.5.1 Dec. 7, 2015 Download

Python 2.7.11 Dec. 5, 2015 Download Release Notes

Python 3.5.0 Sept. 13, 2015 Download

Python 2.7.10 May 23, 2015 Download Release Notes

Python 3.4.3 Feb. 25, 2015 Download

Python 2.7.9 Dec. 10, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 3.4.2 Oct. 13, 2014 Download

Python 3.3.6 Oct. 12, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.6 Oct. 12, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.8 July 2, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.7 June 1, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 3.4.1 May 19, 2014 Download

Python 3.4.0 March 17, 2014 Download

Python 3.3.5 March 9, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 3.3.4 Feb. 9, 2014 Download Release Notes

Python 3.3.3 Nov. 17, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.6 Nov. 10, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.9 Oct. 29, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 3.3.2 May 15, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.5 May 15, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.5 May 12, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 3.3.1 April 6, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.4 April 6, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.4 April 6, 2013 Download Release Notes

Python 3.3.0 Sept. 29, 2012 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.3 April 10, 2012 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.8 April 10, 2012 Download Release Notes

Python 3.1.5 April 9, 2012 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.3 April 9, 2012 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.2 Sept. 3, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.1 July 9, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.2 June 11, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 3.1.4 June 11, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.7 June 3, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.6 May 26, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 3.2.0 Feb. 20, 2011 Download Release Notes

Python 3.1.3 Nov. 27, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.1 Nov. 27, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.6 Aug. 24, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 2.7.0 July 3, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 3.1.2 March 20, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.5 March 18, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.5 Jan. 31, 2010 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.4 Oct. 26, 2009 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.3 Oct. 2, 2009 Download Release Notes

Python 3.1.1 Aug. 17, 2009 Download Release Notes

Python 3.1.0 June 26, 2009 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.2 April 14, 2009 Download Release Notes

Python 3.0.1 Feb. 13, 2009 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.4 Dec. 23, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.3 Dec. 19, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.6 Dec. 19, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.1 Dec. 4, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 3.0.0 Dec. 3, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.6.0 Oct. 2, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.7 March 11, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.5 March 11, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.2 Feb. 21, 2008 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.1 April 19, 2007 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.6 Nov. 1, 2006 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.4 Oct. 18, 2006 Download Release Notes

Python 2.5.0 Sept. 19, 2006 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.3 April 15, 2006 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.2 Sept. 27, 2005 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.1 March 30, 2005 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.5 Feb. 8, 2005 Download Release Notes

Python 2.4.0 Nov. 30, 2004 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.4 May 27, 2004 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.3 Dec. 19, 2003 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.2 Oct. 3, 2003 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.1 Sept. 23, 2003 Download Release Notes

Python 2.3.0 July 29, 2003 Download Release Notes

Python 2.2.3 May 30, 2003 Download Release Notes

Python 2.2.2 Oct. 14, 2002 Download Release Notes

Python 2.2.1 April 10, 2002 Download Release Notes

Python 2.1.3 April 9, 2002 Download Release Notes

Python 2.2.0 Dec. 21, 2001 Download Release Notes

Python 2.0.1 June 22, 2001 Download Release Notes


Python已经占据前三的位置, Python崇尚优美、清晰、简单,是一个优秀并广泛使用的语言。


