执行效率正巧前段时间看Core CLR的文档看到不同方式调用函数效率的比较正巧有这个,摘录如下。这段内容在 clr官方文档
的 为什么反射很慢 ?里。
GetViaProperty 0.2159 ns 0.0047 ns 1.00 0.00
GetViaDelegate 1.8903 ns 0.0082 ns 8.82 0.00
GetViaILEmit 2.9236 ns 0.0067 ns 13.64 0.00
GetViaCompiledExpressionTrees 12.3623 ns 0.0200 ns 57.65 0.00
GetViaFastMember 35.9199 ns 0.0528 ns 167.52 0.00
GetViaReflectionWithCaching 125.3878 ns 0.2017 ns 584.78 0.00
GetViaReflection 197.9258 ns 0.2704 ns 923.08 0.01
GetViaDelegateDynamicInvoke 842.9131 ns 1.2649 ns 3,931.17 419.04
Writing a Property (‘Set’) Method Mean StdErr Scaled Bytes Allocated/Op
SetViaProperty 1.4043 ns 0.0200 ns 6.55 0.00
SetViaDelegate 2.8215 ns 0.0078 ns 13.16 0.00
SetViaILEmit 2.8226 ns 0.0061 ns 13.16 0.00
SetViaCompiledExpressionTrees 10.7329 ns 0.0221 ns 50.06 0.00
SetViaFastMember 36.6210 ns 0.0393 ns 170.79 0.00
SetViaReflectionWithCaching 214.4321 ns 0.3122 ns 1,000.07 98.49
SetViaReflection 287.1039 ns 0.3288 ns 1,338.99 115.63
SetViaDelegateDynamicInvoke 922.4618 ns 2.9192 ns 4,302.17 390.99
internal class HelloWorld { public static void HelloWorld1() { Console.WriteLine("hello world1"); } public delegate void SayHi(); public void Main() { SayHi? helloWorld = new SayHi(HelloWorld1); helloWorld.Invoke(); } }很简单的代码,编译后用ILSpy打开。
元数据与IL首先看下元数据表,毫不例外的在02 TypeDef表里找到了委托对象类型定义,毕竟一切皆对象,这个应该和事件是一个处理方法。
Name BaseType FieldList MethodListSayHi 0x100000E 0x4000000 0x600006
.class nested public auto ansi sealed SayHi extends [System.Runtime]System.MulticastDelegate { // Methods .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor ( object 'object', native int 'method' ) runtime managed { } // end of method SayHi::.ctor .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance void Invoke () runtime managed { } // end of method SayHi::Invoke .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance class [System.Runtime]System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke ( class [System.Runtime]System.AsyncCallback callback, object 'object' ) runtime managed { } // end of method SayHi::BeginInvoke .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance void EndInvoke ( class [System.Runtime]System.IAsyncResult result ) runtime managed { } // end of method SayHi::EndInvoke } // end of class SayHi