每一层添加的 Header(TCP/UDP Header, IP Header, Data Link Header) 都是为了实现该层协议服务而必须存在的协议相关数据。
2. Socket Buffer
发生方发送数据,接收方接受数据,那么双方必须存在一个保存数据的buffer,称为Socket Buffer,TCP/IP的实现都是放在kernel中的,所以Socket Buffer也是在kernel中的。Socket Buffer的大小配置对网络的性能有很大的影响,相关参数如下:
1)/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mem: 这是一个系统全局参数,表示所有TCP的buffer配置。有三个值,单位为内存页(通常为4K),第一个值buffer值的下限,第二个值表示内存压力模式开始对buffer应于压力的上限;第三个值内存使用的上限,超过时,可能会丢弃报文。
2)/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmen: r 表示receive,也有三个值,第一个值为TCP接收buffer的最少字节数;第二个是默认值(该值会被rmem_default覆盖);第三个值TCP接收buffer的最大字节数(该值会被rmem_max覆盖);
3)/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem: w表示write,也就是send。也有三个值,第一个值为TCP发送buffer的最少字节数;第二个是默认值(该值会被wmem_default覆盖);第三个值TCP发送buffer的最大字节数(该值会被wmem_max覆盖);
4)/proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default: TCP数据发送窗口默认字节数;
5)/proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max: TCP数据发送窗口最大字节数;
6)/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default: TCP数据接收窗口默认字节数;
7)/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max: TCP数据接收窗口最大字节数;
3. 网络 NAPI, Newer newer NAPI
Every time an Ethernet frame with a matching MAC address arrives at the interface, there will be a hard interrupt. Whenever a CPU has to handle a hard interrupt, it has to stop processing whatever it was working on and handle the interrupt, causing a context switch and the associated flush of the processor cache. While you might think that this is not a problem if only a few packets arrive at the interface, Gigabit Ethernet and modern applications can create thousands of packets per second, causing a large number of interrupts and context switches to occur.
Because of this, NAPI was introduced to counter the overhead associated with processing network traffic. For the first packet, NAPI works just like the traditional implementation as it issues an interrupt for the first packet. But after the first packet, the interface goes into a polling mode. As long as there are packets in the DMA ring buffer of the network interface, no new interrupts will be caused, effectively reducing context switching and the associated overhead.
可见:NAPI 可以有效的减少网络对CPU中断而导致的上下文切换次数,减轻导致的CPU性能损耗。
4. Netfilter
5. TCP/IP 的三次握手建立连接和四次挥手结束连接
5.1 三次握手建立连接: