深度学习实战:tensorflow训练循环神经网络让AI创作出模仿莎士比亚风格的作品 (3)


model = build_model(vocab_size, embedding_dim, rnn_units, batch_size=1) model.load_weights(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)) model.build(tf.TensorShape([1, None]))







def generate_text(model, start_string): # Evaluation step (generating text using the learned model) # Number of characters to generate num_generate = 1000 # Converting our start string to numbers (vectorizing) input_eval = [char2idx[s] for s in start_string] input_eval = tf.expand_dims(input_eval, 0) # Empty string to store our results text_generated = [] # Low temperatures results in more predictable text. # Higher temperatures results in more surprising text. # Experiment to find the best setting. temperature = 1.0 # Here batch size == 1 model.reset_states() for i in range(num_generate): predictions = model(input_eval) # remove the batch dimension predictions = tf.squeeze(predictions, 0) # using a categorical distribution to predict the character returned by the model predictions = predictions / temperature predicted_id = tf.random.categorical(predictions, num_samples=1)[-1,0].numpy() # We pass the predicted character as the next input to the model # along with the previous hidden state input_eval = tf.expand_dims([predicted_id], 0) text_generated.append(idx2char[predicted_id]) return (start_string + \'\'.join(text_generated))



这是训练了10个epochs的 print(generate_text(model, start_string=u"ROMEO: "))

ROMEO: how I, away too put That you shall have thieffort, are but love.

JULIET: Go, fight, sir: we say ‘Ay,’ and alack to stand and not to go to; And washt us him to-domm. Ay, my ows young; a man hear from his monsher to thee.

KING RICHARD III: Come, cease. O broteld the costime’s deforment! Thou wilt was quite.

PAULINA: I would you say the hour! Ah, hole for your company: But, good my lord; we have a king, of peace?

BALTHASAR: Cadul and washee could he ha! To curit her I may wench.

GLOUCESTER: Had you here shall such a pierce to temper; Or might his noble offery owe and speed Which seemest thy trims in a weaky amidude By this to the dother, dods citizens.

Third Citizen:
Madam sweet give reward, rebeire them With news gone! Pluck yielding: ’tis sign out things Within risess in strifes all ten times, To dish his finmers for briefily.

Gentlemen, God eveI come approbouting his wife as it, — triumphrous night change you gods, thou goest:
To which will dispersed and France.




Could you be atherveshed him, our two,
But much a tale lendly fear;
For which we in thy shade of Naples.
Here’s no increase False to’t, offorit is the war of white give again.
This is the queen, whose vanoar’s head is worthly.
But cere it be a witch, some comfort.
What, nurse, I say!
Go Hamell.

Should she kneel be?
In shall not weep received; unleased me
And unrespective greeting than dwell in, thee,
look’d on me, son in heavenly properly,
That ever you are my father is but straing;
Unless you would repossess him, hath always louded up,
You provokest. Good faith, o’erlar I can repart the heavens like deeds dills
For temper as soon as another maiden here, and he is bann’d upon which springs;
O’er most upon your voysus, I have no thunder; and my good villain!
Alest each other’s sleepings.
A fool; if this business prating duty
Does these traitors other sorrow.

Tell me, they’s honourably.

I know, my lord, to London, and you my moved join under him,
Great Apollo’s stan to make a book,
Both yet my father away towards Covent. Tut, And thou still’d by the earthmen lord r sensible your mother?

