Android 开发进程 0.35 升级编译版本Android12

工作需要升级到编译版本31 在这里记录一下遇到的问题。
错误:Manifest merger failedManifest merger failed 这个问题通常搜到的答案是manifest文件格式错误,但这是由于升级编译版本的原因,在Android SDK 31中,需要明确声明组件的 exported属性 android:exported="true" 官方文档如下:

Android 开发进程 0.35 升级编译版本Android12


import org.w3c.dom.Element import org.w3c.dom.Node import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource import import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory import javax.xml.transform.Transformer def addAndroidExportedIfNecessary(File manifestFile) { def manifestAltered = false def reader = manifestFile.newReader() def document = groovy.xml.DOMBuilder.parse(reader) def application = document.getElementsByTagName("application").item(0) if (application != null) { println "Searching for activities, services and receivers with intent filters..." application.childNodes.each { child -> def childNodeName = child.nodeName if (childNodeName == "activity" || childNodeName == "activity-alias" || childNodeName == "service" || childNodeName == "receiver") { def attributes = child.getAttributes() if (attributes.getNamedItem("android:exported") == null) { def intentFilters = child.childNodes.findAll { it.nodeName == "intent-filter" } if (intentFilters.size() > 0) { println "found ${childNodeName} ${attributes.getNamedItem("android:name").nodeValue} " + "with intent filters but without android:exported attribute" def exportedAttrAdded = false for (def i = 0; i < intentFilters.size(); i++) { def intentFilter = intentFilters[i] def actions = intentFilter.childNodes.findAll { it.nodeName == "action" } for (def j = 0; j < actions.size(); j++) { def action = actions[j] def actionName = action.getAttributes().getNamedItem("android:name").nodeValue if (actionName == "") { println "adding exported=false to ${attributes.getNamedItem("android:name")}..." ((Element) child).setAttribute("android:exported", "false") manifestAltered = true exportedAttrAdded = true } } } if (!exportedAttrAdded) { println "adding exported=true to ${attributes.getNamedItem("android:name")}..." ((Element) child).setAttribute("android:exported", "true") manifestAltered = true } } } } } } if (manifestAltered) { document.setXmlStandalone(true) Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer() DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document) FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(manifestFile) StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer) transformer.transform(source, result) println "Done adding missing android:exported attributes to your AndroidManifest.xml. You may want to" + "additionally prettify it in Android Studio using [command + option + L](mac) or [CTRL+ALT+L](windows)." } else { println "Hooray, your AndroidManifest.xml did not need any change." } } def getMissingAndroidExportedComponents(File manifestFile) { List<Node> nodesFromDependencies = new ArrayList<>() def reader = manifestFile.newReader() def document = groovy.xml.DOMBuilder.parse(reader) def application = document.getElementsByTagName("application").item(0) if (application != null) { println "Searching for activities, services and receivers with intent filters..." application.childNodes.each { child -> def childNodeName = child.nodeName if (childNodeName == "activity" || childNodeName == "activity-alias" || childNodeName == "service" || childNodeName == "receiver") { def attributes = child.getAttributes() if (attributes.getNamedItem("android:exported") == null) { def intentFilters = child.childNodes.findAll { it.nodeName == "intent-filter" } if (intentFilters.size() > 0) { println "found ${childNodeName} ${attributes.getNamedItem("android:name").nodeValue} " + "with intent filters but without android:exported attribute" def exportedAttrAdded = false for (def i = 0; i < intentFilters.size(); i++) { def intentFilter = intentFilters[i] def actions = intentFilter.childNodes.findAll { it.nodeName == "action" } for (def j = 0; j < actions.size(); j++) { def action = actions[j] def actionName = action.getAttributes().getNamedItem("android:name").nodeValue if (actionName == "") { println "adding exported=false to ${attributes.getNamedItem("android:name")}..." ((Element) child).setAttribute("android:exported", "false") exportedAttrAdded = true } } } if (!exportedAttrAdded) { println "adding exported=true to ${attributes.getNamedItem("android:name")}..." ((Element) child).setAttribute("android:exported", "true") } nodesFromDependencies.add(child) } } } } } return nodesFromDependencies } def addManifestFileComponents(File manifestFile, List<Node> components) { def reader = manifestFile.newReader() def document = groovy.xml.DOMBuilder.parse(reader) def application = document.getElementsByTagName("application").item(0) if (application != null) { println "Adding missing components with android:exported attribute to ${manifestFile.absolutePath} ..." components.each { node -> Node importedNode = document.importNode(node, true) application.appendChild(importedNode) } } if (components.size() > 0) { document.setXmlStandalone(true) Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer() DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document) FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(manifestFile) StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer) transformer.transform(source, result) println "Added missing app-dependencies components with android:exported attributes to your " + "AndroidManifest.xml.You may want to additionally prettify it in Android Studio using " + "[command + option + L](mac) or [CTRL+ALT+L](windows)." } println "----" } task doAddAndroidExportedIfNecessary { doLast { def root = new File(project.rootDir, "") if (root.isDirectory()) { def children = root.listFiles() for (def i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { File child = children[i] if (child.isDirectory()) { File srcDirectory = new File(child, "src") if (srcDirectory.exists() && srcDirectory.isDirectory()) { def srcChildren = srcDirectory.listFiles() for (def j = 0; j < srcChildren.size(); j++) { File manifestFile = new File(srcChildren[j], "AndroidManifest.xml") if (manifestFile.exists() && manifestFile.isFile()) { println "found manifest file: ${manifestFile.absolutePath}" addAndroidExportedIfNecessary(manifestFile) println "-----" } } } } } } } } task doAddAndroidExportedForDependencies { doLast { List<Node> missingComponents = new ArrayList<>() def root = new File(project.rootDir, "") if (root.isDirectory()) { def children = root.listFiles() for (def i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { File child = children[i] if (child.isDirectory()) { File mergedManifestsDirectory = new File(child, "build/intermediates/merged_manifests") if (mergedManifestsDirectory.exists() && mergedManifestsDirectory.isDirectory()) { def manifestFiles = mergedManifestsDirectory.listFiles().findAll { directoryChild -> directoryChild.isDirectory() && (new File(directoryChild, "AndroidManifest.xml")).exists() }.stream().map { directoryWithManifest -> new File(directoryWithManifest, "AndroidManifest.xml") }.toArray() if (manifestFiles.size() > 0) { File mergedManifest = manifestFiles[0] if (mergedManifest.exists() && mergedManifest.isFile()) { missingComponents = getMissingAndroidExportedComponents(mergedManifest) if (missingComponents.size() > 0) { File srcDirectory = new File(child, "src") if (srcDirectory.exists() && srcDirectory.isDirectory()) { def srcChildren = srcDirectory.listFiles() for (def j = 0; j < srcChildren.size(); j++) { File manifestFile = new File(srcChildren[j], "AndroidManifest.xml") if (manifestFile.exists() && manifestFile.isFile()) { addManifestFileComponents(manifestFile, missingComponents) } } } } } } } } } } } }

