Akka-Cluster(6)- Cluster-Sharding:集群分片,分布式交互程序核心方式



集群分片由分片管理ShardRegion和分片定位ShardCoordinator共同协作实现,目标是把消息正确传递给指定ID的entity。分片定位负责确定分片所在集群节点,分片管理则对每个集群节点上分片内的entity进行定位。ShardCoordinator是个cluster-singleton,而ShardRegion则必须部署在每个集群节点上。每个分片内的entity必须是一个类型的actor。发给entity的消息内部必须包含分片编号和entity ID。通过从消息中解析位置信息后由ShardCoordinator确定负责传递消息的ShardRegion,相关的ShardRegion按ID把消息发送至目标entity。


/** * Scala API: Register a named entity type by defining the [[akka.actor.Props]] of the entity actor * and functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor * for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method. * * Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.cluster.sharding` section * of the `reference.conf`. * * @param typeName the name of the entity type * @param entityProps the `Props` of the entity actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion` * @param settings configuration settings, see [[ClusterShardingSettings]] * @param extractEntityId partial function to extract the entity id and the message to send to the * entity from the incoming message, if the partial function does not match the message will * be `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream * @param extractShardId function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages * that passed the `extractEntityId` will be used * @param allocationStrategy possibility to use a custom shard allocation and * rebalancing logic * @param handOffStopMessage the message that will be sent to entities when they are to be stopped * for a rebalance or graceful shutdown of a `ShardRegion`, e.g. `PoisonPill`. * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard */ def start( typeName: String, entityProps: Props, settings: ClusterShardingSettings, extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId, extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId, allocationStrategy: ShardAllocationStrategy, handOffStopMessage: Any): ActorRef = {...}

