A Blob is a wrapper over the actual data being processed and passed along by Caffe, and also under the hood provides synchronization capability between the CPU and the GPU. Mathematically, a blob is an N-dimensional array stored in a C-contiguous fashion.
Caffe stores and communicates data using blobs. Blobs provide a unified memory interface holding data; e.g., batches of images, model parameters, and derivatives for optimization.
Blobs conceal the computational and mental overhead of mixed CPU/GPU operation by synchronizing from the CPU host to the GPU device as needed. Memory on the host and device is allocated on demand (lazily) for efficient memory usage.
在逻辑上,Blob是个\(N_d\)维张量。当\(N_d=4\)时,Blob的shape定义为\(N * C * H * W\),即\(Num * Channel * Height * Width\),可以表示输入图像Batch、卷积层的kernel参数、卷积层的输入输出map等;当\(N_d=2\)时,可以表示全连接层的权重,\(N_{out} * N_{in}\);当\(N_d=1\)时,可以表示卷积层和全连接层的bias参数。
\(N_d=2\),Blob表示全连接层的权重时,shape为\(N_{out} * N_{in}\)的二维矩阵,\(N_{out}\)为输出数量,\(N_{in}\)为输入数量。
主要成员变量 shared_ptr<SyncedMemory> data_; // 数据,存储图像、参数、输入输出等 shared_ptr<SyncedMemory> diff_; // 反向传播时的梯度,训练阶段update时参数的更新量 shared_ptr<SyncedMemory> shape_data_; // GPU shape,与下面的shape是相同的 vector<int> shape_; // shape,data和diff相同 int count_; // 张量中的元素数量,比如 N*C*H*W int capacity_; // 容量,当前分配内存的大小,当reshape时,可能需要扩容 Blob存储结构Blob的data_和diff_对应的数据区,在内存中均以行有先的方式存储(C语言风格)。行优先和列优先的存储方式如下图所示,9个数连续存储,表示同一个矩阵,但是存储顺序不同,图片来自WIKI:
当\(N=4\)时,\(Num * Channel * Height * Width\),Blob在\(Width\)维上连续存储,如下图所示:
通过Blob的offset成员函数可以获得\((n, c, h, w)\)处的偏移量,偏移的计算方式与行优先存储是一致的,代码如下:
inline int offset(const int n, const int c = 0, const int h = 0, const int w = 0) const { CHECK_GE(n, 0); CHECK_LE(n, num()); CHECK_GE(channels(), 0); CHECK_LE(c, channels()); CHECK_GE(height(), 0); CHECK_LE(h, height()); CHECK_GE(width(), 0); CHECK_LE(w, width()); return ((n * channels() + c) * height() + h) * width() + w; } CPU与GPU间的数据传递 const Dtype* cpu_data() const; // 不可修改数据,return (const Dtype*)data_->cpu_data(); const Dtype* gpu_data() const; // return (const Dtype*)data_->gpu_data(); Dtype* mutable_cpu_data(); // 可修改数据,return static_cast<Dtype*>(data_->mutable_cpu_data()); Dtype* mutable_gpu_data(); // static_cast<Dtype*>(data_->mutable_gpu_data());