

npm install -g gitbook-cli 查看版本号 gitbook -V gitbook命令 gitbook -h Usage: gitbook [options] [command] Commands: ls List versions installed locally current Display currently activated version ls-remote List remote versions available for install fetch [version] Download and install a <version> alias [folder] [version] Set an alias named <version> pointing to <folder> uninstall [version] Uninstall a version update [tag] Update to the latest version of GitBook help List commands for GitBook * run a command with a specific gitbook version Options: -h, --help output usage information -v, --gitbook [version] specify GitBook version to use -d, --debug enable verbose error -V, --version Display running versions of gitbook and gitbook-cli gitbook help build [book] [output] 编译指定目录,输出Web格式,输出一个静态网站到目录[output] --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) --format Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook) --[no-]timing Print timing debug information (Default is false) serve [book] [output] 启动本地server预览localhost:4000 --port Port for server to listen on (Default is 4000) --lrport Port for livereload server to listen on (Default is 35729) --[no-]watch Enable file watcher and live reloading (Default is true) --[no-]live Enable live reloading (Default is true) --[no-]open Enable opening book in browser (Default is false) --browser Specify browser for opening book (Default is ) --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) --format Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook) install [book] install all plugins dependencies --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) parse [book] parse and print debug information about a book --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) init [book] setup and create files for chapters 初始化一个新的gitbook目录 --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) pdf [book] [output] build a book into an ebook file 编译为PDF格式并输出 --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) epub [book] [output] build a book into an ebook file 编译为epub格式并输出 --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) mobi [book] [output] build a book into an ebook file 编译为mobi格式并输出 --log Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled) 开始写 从gitbook直接克隆到本地开始写




git init该目录


git remote add gitbook

注:如果是用第三方登录,如github, twitter等,要先到账户设置中设置用户名和密码用于验证。

发布 git add git commit git push 安装插件 更换主题


通过npm搜索出来的结果提示安装npm install gitbook-theme-maxiang


{ "plugins": ["thePlugin"] }

运行gitbook install安装json文件中的所有插件

gitbook serve预览

更换封面 错误集锦

1 在启动gitbook serve时,报错:

TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined


2 read时只显示其中一部分的内容

