| -------------------------------------------------------- |
#Feature normalizing the columns (subtract mean, divide by standard deviation) #Store the mean and std for later use #Note don't modify the original X matrix, use a copy stored_feature_means, stored_feature_stds = [], [] Xnorm = X.copy() for icol in range(Xnorm.shape[1]): stored_feature_means.append(np.mean(Xnorm[:,icol])) stored_feature_stds.append(np.std(Xnorm[:,icol])) #Skip the first column if not icol: continue #Faster to not recompute the mean and std again, just used stored values Xnorm[:,icol] = (Xnorm[:,icol] - stored_feature_means[-1])/stored_feature_stds[-1] 学习率(alpha)梯度下降的时候,我们有一个很重要的概念就是学习率的设定,在这里我们要明确一个概念,学习率可以反映梯度下降的情况。如果学习率太低,我们梯度下降的速率就会很慢。同时如果学习率太高,我们的梯度下降会错过最低点,theta的值不是最佳的,同时,可能不会收敛,一直梯度下去,值会越来越大。
【Python代码实现多元的线性回归】 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt """ 1.获取数据的结果,使得数据是我们可以更好处理的数据 """ def LoadFile(filename): data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1, 2), unpack=True) X = np.transpose(np.array(data[:-1])) y = np.transpose(np.array(data[-1:])) X = np.insert(X, 0, 1, axis=1) m = y.shape[0] return X, y, m """ 2.构建线性函数 """ def h(theta, X): return np.dot(X, theta) """ 3.损失函数CostFunction """ def CostFunction(X, y, theta, m): return float((1. / (2 * m)) * np.dot((h(theta, X) - y).T, (h(theta, X) - y))) """ 4.定义特征缩放的函数 因为数据集之间的差别比较的大,所以我们这里用可梯度下降--特征缩放 """ def normal_feature(Xnorm): stored_feature_means, stored_feature_stds = [], [] for icol in range(Xnorm.shape[1]): # 求平均值 stored_feature_means.append(np.mean(Xnorm[:, icol])) # 求方差 stored_feature_stds.append(np.std(Xnorm[:, icol])) # Skip the first column if not icol: continue # Faster to not recompute the mean and std again, just used stored values Xnorm[:, icol] = (Xnorm[:, icol] - stored_feature_means[-1]) / stored_feature_stds[-1] return Xnorm, stored_feature_means, stored_feature_stds """ 5.定义梯度下降函数 """ iterations = 1500 alpha = 0.01 def descendGradient(X, y, m, theta): CostVector = [] theta_history = [] for i in range(iterations): tmptheta = theta theta_history.append(list(theta[:, 0])) CostVector.append(CostFunction(X, y, theta, m)) for j in range(len(tmptheta)): tmptheta[j, 0] = theta[j] - (alpha / m) * np.sum((h(theta, X) - y) * np.array(X[:, j]).reshape(m, 1)) theta = tmptheta return theta, theta_history, CostVector """ 6.定义绘图函数 """ def plotConvergence(jvec): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(range(len(jvec)), jvec, 'bo') plt.grid(True) plt.title("Convergence of Cost Function") plt.xlabel("Iteration number") plt.ylabel("Cost function") plt.xlim([-0.05 * iterations, 1.05 * iterations]) plt.ylim([4, 7]) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': X, y, m = LoadFile('ex1data2.txt') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.grid(True) plt.xlim([-100, 5000]) plt.hist(X[:, 0], label='col1') plt.hist(X[:, 1], label='col2') plt.hist(X[:, 2], label='col3') plt.title('Clearly we need feature normalization.') plt.xlabel('Column Value') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.legend() plt.show() Xnorm = X.copy() Xnorm, stored_feature_means, stored_feature_stds = normal_feature(Xnorm) plt.grid(True) plt.xlim([-5, 5]) plt.hist(Xnorm[:, 0], label='col1') plt.hist(Xnorm[:, 1], label='col2') plt.hist(Xnorm[:, 2], label='col3') plt.title('Feature Normalization Accomplished') plt.xlabel('Column Value') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.legend() plt.show() theta = np.zeros((Xnorm.shape[1], 1)) theta, theta_history, CostVector = descendGradient(Xnorm, y, m, theta) plotConvergence(CostVector) print("Check of result: What is price of house with 1650 square feet and 3 bedrooms?") ytest = np.array([1650., 3.]) # To "undo" feature normalization, we "undo" 1650 and 3, then plug it into our hypothesis # 对于每次传来的一个数字我们读进行适当的特征缩放的功能 ytestscaled = [(ytest[x] - stored_feature_means[x + 1]) / stored_feature_stds[x + 1] for x in range(len(ytest))] ytestscaled.insert(0, 1) print(ytestscaled) # 预测未知的值,通过我们已经建立好的模型来预测未知的值。 print("$%0.2f" % float(h(theta, ytestscaled))) # 输出的结果为: [1, -0.4460438603276164, -0.2260933675776883] $293098.15 输出的截图这里就不截图了 【python代码实现一元和多元线性回归汇总】 %matplotlib inline import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cols = np.loadtxt(datafile,delimiter=',',usecols=(0,1),unpack=True) #Read in comma separated data #Form the usual "X" matrix and "y" vector X = np.transpose(np.array(cols[:-1])) y = np.transpose(np.array(cols[-1:])) m = y.size # number of training examples #Insert the usual column of 1's into the "X" matrix X = np.insert(X,0,1,axis=1) print(X) #Plot the data to see what it looks like plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.plot(X[:,1],y[:,0],'rx',markersize=10) plt.grid(True) #Always plot.grid true! plt.ylabel('Profit in $10,000s') plt.xlabel('Population of City in 10,000s') iterations = 1500 alpha = 0.01 def h(theta,X): #Linear hypothesis function return np.dot(X,theta) def computeCost(mytheta,X,y): #Cost function """ theta_start is an n- dimensional vector of initial theta guess X is matrix with n- columns and m- rows y is a matrix with m- rows and 1 column """ #note to self: *.shape is (rows, columns) return float((1./(2*m)) * np.dot((h(mytheta,X)-y).T,(h(mytheta,X)-y))) #Test that running computeCost with 0's as theta returns 32.07: initial_theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1],1)) #(theta is a vector with n rows and 1 columns (if X has n features) ) print(computeCost(initial_theta,X,y)) #Actual gradient descent minimizing routine def descendGradient(X, theta_start = np.zeros(2)): """ theta_start is an n- dimensional vector of initial theta guess X is matrix with n- columns and m- rows """ theta = theta_start jvec = [] #Used to plot cost as function of iteration thetahistory = [] #Used to visualize the minimization path later on for meaninglessvariable in range(iterations): tmptheta = theta jvec.append(computeCost(theta,X,y)) # Buggy line #thetahistory.append(list(tmptheta)) # Fixed line thetahistory.append(list(theta[:,0])) #Simultaneously updating theta values for j in range(len(tmptheta)): tmptheta[j] = theta[j] - (alpha/m)*np.sum((h(initial_theta,X) - y)*np.array(X[:,j]).reshape(m,1)) theta = tmptheta return theta, thetahistory, jvec #Actually run gradient descent to get the best-fit theta values initial_theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1],1)) theta, thetahistory, jvec = descendGradient(X,initial_theta) #Plot the convergence of the cost function def plotConvergence(jvec): plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.plot(range(len(jvec)),jvec,'bo') plt.grid(True) plt.title("Convergence of Cost Function") plt.xlabel("Iteration number") plt.ylabel("Cost function") dummy = plt.xlim([-0.05*iterations,1.05*iterations]) #dummy = plt.ylim([4,8]) plotConvergence(jvec) dummy = plt.ylim([4,7]) #Plot the line on top of the data to ensure it looks correct def myfit(xval): return theta[0] + theta[1]*xval plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.plot(X[:,1],y[:,0],'rx',markersize=10,label='Training Data') plt.plot(X[:,1],myfit(X[:,1]),'b-',label = 'Hypothesis: h(x) = %0.2f + %0.2fx'%(theta[0],theta[1])) plt.grid(True) #Always plot.grid true! plt.ylabel('Profit in $10,000s') plt.xlabel('Population of City in 10,000s') plt.legend() #Import necessary matplotlib tools for 3d plots from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D from matplotlib import cm import itertools fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') xvals = np.arange(-10,10,.5) yvals = np.arange(-1,4,.1) myxs, myys, myzs = [], [], [] for david in xvals: for kaleko in yvals: myxs.append(david) myys.append(kaleko) myzs.append(computeCost(np.array([[david], [kaleko]]),X,y)) scat = ax.scatter(myxs,myys,myzs,c=np.abs(myzs),cmap=plt.get_cmap('YlOrRd')) plt.xlabel(r'$\theta_0$',fontsize=30) plt.ylabel(r'$\theta_1$',fontsize=30) plt.title('Cost (Minimization Path Shown in Blue)',fontsize=30) plt.plot([x[0] for x in thetahistory],[x[1] for x in thetahistory],jvec,'bo-') plt.show() datafile = 'data/ex1data2.txt' #Read into the data file cols = np.loadtxt(datafile,delimiter=',',usecols=(0,1,2),unpack=True) #Read in comma separated data #Form the usual "X" matrix and "y" vector X = np.transpose(np.array(cols[:-1])) y = np.transpose(np.array(cols[-1:])) m = y.size # number of training examples #Insert the usual column of 1's into the "X" matrix X = np.insert(X,0,1,axis=1) #Quick visualize data plt.grid(True) plt.xlim([-100,5000]) dummy = plt.hist(X[:,0],label = 'col1') dummy = plt.hist(X[:,1],label = 'col2') dummy = plt.hist(X[:,2],label = 'col3') plt.title('Clearly we need feature normalization.') plt.xlabel('Column Value') plt.ylabel('Counts') dummy = plt.legend() #Feature normalizing the columns (subtract mean, divide by standard deviation) #Store the mean and std for later use #Note don't modify the original X matrix, use a copy stored_feature_means, stored_feature_stds = [], [] Xnorm = X.copy() for icol in range(Xnorm.shape[1]): stored_feature_means.append(np.mean(Xnorm[:,icol])) stored_feature_stds.append(np.std(Xnorm[:,icol])) #Skip the first column if not icol: continue #Faster to not recompute the mean and std again, just used stored values Xnorm[:,icol] = (Xnorm[:,icol] - stored_feature_means[-1])/stored_feature_stds[-1] #Quick visualize the feature-normalized data plt.grid(True) plt.xlim([-5,5]) dummy = plt.hist(Xnorm[:,0],label = 'col1') dummy = plt.hist(Xnorm[:,1],label = 'col2') dummy = plt.hist(Xnorm[:,2],label = 'col3') plt.title('Feature Normalization Accomplished') plt.xlabel('Column Value') plt.ylabel('Counts') dummy = plt.legend() #Run gradient descent with multiple variables, initial theta still set to zeros #(Note! This doesn't work unless we feature normalize! "overflow encountered in multiply") initial_theta = np.zeros((Xnorm.shape[1],1)) theta, thetahistory, jvec = descendGradient(Xnorm,initial_theta) #Plot convergence of cost function: plotConvergence(jvec) #print "Final result theta parameters: \n",theta print ("Check of result: What is price of house with 1650 square feet and 3 bedrooms?") ytest = np.array([1650.,3.]) #To "undo" feature normalization, we "undo" 1650 and 3, then plug it into our hypothesis # 对于每次传来的一个数字我们读进行适当的特征缩放的功能 ytestscaled = [(ytest[x]-stored_feature_means[x+1])/stored_feature_stds[x+1] for x in range(len(ytest))] ytestscaled.insert(0,1) print ("$%0.2f" % float(h(theta,ytestscaled))) from numpy.linalg import inv #Implementation of normal equation to find analytic solution to linear regression def normEqtn(X,y): #restheta = np.zeros((X.shape[1],1)) return np.dot(np.dot(inv(np.dot(X.T,X)),X.T),y) print ("Normal equation prediction for price of house with 1650 square feet and 3 bedrooms") print ("$%0.2f" % float(h(normEqtn(X,y),[1,1650.,3])))