MFC vs Qt

 Impressions on  Impressions on MFC vs Qt Programming
Written by Pascal Audoux
Translated and improved by Philippe Fremy

After putting this article on the web, it has received the following critics :

It is not very well written

MFC problems are not very well described

There is no code examples

Qt is praised all over the article, so the article is biased

The author does not show some deep knowledge of MFC and states false

The author does not compare Qt with .NET

I would like to respond: it is very hard and very time
consuming to write an article. It is even more time consuming to write a good
article with backed-up facts, code examples, comparisons, ...
If I had such a good article, I probably would have published it on a more
professional source, but not simply on my website.

I recognised these critics to be valid to some extent.
This article was written to provide a slight overview of MFC programming but
it reflects more all the problem we have faced when programming with MFC than
a pure Qt/MFC comparison.  

However, I still think that the material presented thereafter is valuable. I havn\'t
found any comparison of MFC and Qt programming sofar. So please read on the only

The critics are online here:
comments on MFS vs Qt
. Drop me a mail if you want to add something.

Philippe Fremy

I have been programming in both Qt and MFC. I would like to share with you
my experience of the differences between using the two toolkits.
I am not a professional writer. So this article certainly
is not as slick and clean as something you would find in a professional
website or magazine. This is just my experience, that I share with you, in my
own words. English is not my native language, so my constructs are probably
a bit strange and there are mistakes. Please mail them to me, so that I can
fix them.
This article does not pretend to be objective. It is just a report of my
personal experience. I do not address every good and bad point of Qt or
MFC. The fact that I knew Qt programming before starting MFC programming might
alter my objectiveness.
This article is written from a pragmatic point of view: My boss gives me the
specification of the applications he wants and I develop them. I have
developed some with Qt, and some other with MFC.
The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) is a graphical toolkit for the windows
operating system. It is a more or less object oriented wrapper of the win32
API, which causes the API to be sometimes C, sometimes C++, and usually an
awful mix.
Qt is a graphical C++ toolkit started around 94 by Trolltech (

). It runs on Windows
(any version), Mac OS X, any Unix and on embedded devices such as the Sharp
Zaurus. Qt is clearly and cleanly object oriented.
Document/View model
MFC programming requires the use of Document/View model and templates. It is
almost impossible not to use them. However, templates have a fixed structure
and it is very difficult to use them for something that was not planned by the
template conceptor. Try for example to split an area and display two views on
two different documents. Impossible. Another problem is that often, the
template creates the view but it is not possible to access it. Everything must
be done by the document and this can sometimes create problems.
Qt doesn\'t force any design model. You can use document/view without any
problem, if you think it is appropriate. But you can go without it.
Pseudo Object Design vs Good Object
The fundamental difference between Qt and MFC is their design.
MFC is a kind of object wrapper allowing access to the windows API, which is
written in C. This is not a good object oriented design. In many places, you
must supply a C struct with 15 members but only one relevant to your case, or
you must call functions with obsolete parameters.
And there are nasty tricks, without any consistency. For example, if you
create a graphical object, it is not created until the Create() methods has
been called. For dialogs, you must wait for OnInitDialog(), for views, you
wait for OnInitialUpdate(), ...   So if you create an object manually and call
its methods, your program crashes.
Let\'s take the example of a dialog containing a CEdit control. You can not use
the method GetWindowText() on this field if you are not inside the DoModal()
method. It will fail miserably. Why isn\'t it possible to fetch the text of a
control when the control is not in a certain state ? MFC is full of these
nasty tricks. And it is hard to debug.
Qt is the opposite. The architecture is a good object oriented one and was
obviously intelligently designed. The result is a toolkit very
consistent regarding naming, inheritance, classes organisation and methods.
Methods argument are the one you want to supply, no more. They always come in
the same order for different classes. And the return value is logical.
Everything is at the same time powerful and simple. Once you have used one of
their classes, you can use many of them because they all work the same.
With Qt, to get an Edit control, you create your QLineEdit control with new,
like any normal C++ class. You can immediately and forever access all its
methods, whether it is shown or not. There is simply no trick, it
works in the simplest way you could imagine.
Message loop
MFC is an event driven framework. To perform anything, you must react on
certain messages. There are thousand messages sent by Windows
to the program. Unfortunately, it is thus not
easy to know which one to use, what information they contain, when they are
exactly emitted, ... Some are redundant, some are not emitted, some are not
documented. The documentation is not very good on this topic. It is difficult
to know which objects emits what, when, which object receives or does
not receive it and what action is taken. Some features available through
messages could perfectely be available through direct calls. This message
stuff doesn\'t help debugging or code review.
Qt is based upon a powerful callback mechanism based on signal emission and
reception inside slots. This system is the core communication mechanism
between objects. It can passes any number of arguments within the signal. It
is very powerful. You connect directly your relevant signals to your slots so
you know what is going on. The number of signals emitted by a class is usually
small (4 or 5) and is very well documented. You feel much more in control of
what is going on. This signal/slot mechanism resemble the Java listener
approach, except that it is more lightweight and versatile.
Interface Creation
MFC does not handle layout in windows: this creates problems when one wants a
window with a variable size. You must reposition your controls by hand on
resize requests (This explains why many windows dialog are not resizable).
The problem gets bigger with applications that must be translated, because many
languages express things with longer words or sentences. You must rearrange
your windows for every language.
Visual Studio\'s resource editor is very limited: you can place controls at fixed
positions and that\'s it. A few properties can be adjusted and the class wizard
allow to create variables and methods easily. However, it is worth noticing
that it would be very tedious to create these manually: the message loop,
the DDX, the IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE are far too complicated.
With Qt, everything can be coded manually because it is simple: to get a
button, you just write:
       button = new QPushButton( "button text ", MyParentWidget);
If you want a method action() to be executed when the button is clicked, you
       connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( action() ) );
Qt has a powerful layout mechanism which is so simple that you waste time when
you do not use it.
Qt provides a graphical tool, Qt Designer, to help building the interface. You
can adjust any properties of the controls you use. You don\'t put them at fixed
places, it uses layout to organise things nicely. You can connect signal and
slots with this tool, so it does more than simple interface design. The tool
generates code that you can actually read and understand. Because the generated
code is in a separate file, you can regenerate your interface as many times as
you want, while coding at the same time.
Qt designer lets you do things that are not possible in MFC, like creating a
listview with pre-filled fields, or using a tab control with different
views on each tab.
Documenteation - Help
Documentation is an important consideration when one wants to use a rich
graphical toolkit. Visual\'s documentation, MSDN (for which you must pay
separately) is huge, on 10 CDROM. It features many articles,
that cover many tasks.   However, it gives the feeling that it
documents poor design choices and misfeatures, rather than current useful
feature. The cross-linking is also very poor. It is difficult to go from a
class to its parent or child class, or to related classes. Methods are
presented without their signature. It is difficult to access inherited methods
of a class. Another problem is that if look for a keyword, you\'ll get help on
this keyword on VC++, Visual Basic, Visual J++, InterDev, even if you filter
your results.
Qt\'s documentation is excellent. The best is to look by yourself:
It is complete and copious in the sense that it covers every Qt area, but fits
in 18 Mbytes. Every class and methods is properly documented with plenty of
details and examples. It is easy to navigate from classes and methods to other
classes, using either the html version or the tool provided by Trolltech (Qt
Assistant). The documentation comes with a tutorial and example of typical
usage. There is also a FAQ and a public mailing list, accessible via a
newsgroup or searchable web interface.   If you have a license, you can ask the
support which responds usually within one day.
The fact that Qt is well thought out helps a lot to reduce the need for
external help. One of the stated goal of Trolltech is "The product and the
documentation should be so good that no support is needed".
With MFC, to get unicode display, you must compile and link with specific
options (and change the entry point of the executable). The you must add _T
around every strings that you use in your program. You must change all your
\'char\' to TCHAR. Every string manipulation function (strcpy, strdup, strcat,
...) is replaced with other functions with a different name. And the most
annoying is that a program compiled with unicode support won\'t work with a
DLL compiled without unicode support. This is very problematic when you
develop with external DLL, on which you have no control.
With Qt, strings are handled in a class QString that is natively unicode. No
compilation/link requirements, no code alteration, just QString. The Qt code
is natively unicode and there is no problem.
The QString class itself is very powerful so you use it everywhere, even when
you don\'t care about unicode. This makes transition to unicode very easy.
QString provides conversion functions to char * or UTF8 if required.
Technically, the big difference comes from the design of the MFC class
CString, to be compared with the QString. CString is basically a char * with
a few methods. The advantage is that everywhere where you need char *, you
can use CString member. It looks good at first glance, but this has big
drawbacks, specifically because you can modify directly the char * of the
CString without updating the class. This is also a problem when converting to
QString, on the contrary, stores internally a unicode version of the string,
and provides a char * only when required. The whole Qt api requires QString
for text arguments, so you very seldom use char *. The QString has also some
additional facilities, like automatic sharing (or lazy copy) of the content
of the string. The result is a very powerful class that you
want to use everywhere. This is a typical example of a good design on the Qt
side and a C hack wrapped in C++ on the MFC side.
It is possible to internationalise a MFC program. Just put every string in a
string table and use LoadString( IDENTIFIER ) everywhere in your code. Then,
you must transform the resources into a DLL, translate the strings of the
string table (using visual) into the desired language, translate the graphical
resources (because their text can not be put into the string table) and ask
the program to use this DLL. This is so complex that you probably can not
defer it to a translator alone, he must be assisted. You will also have
problems because in MFC, controls have a fixed position that depends on the
non translated text. Longer translated strings will overlap. When you change
some strings or add new strings, you must ensure manually that the translation
has been updated.
With Qt, you just put your strings inside the tr() function . This is
very lightweight when developing. You can change the reference strings
directly in your code. A special program, Qt Linguist, will extract all the
strings to be translated and display them with a friendly interface. The
interface allow easy translation, with facilities such as use of a
dictionnary, display of the context of the string, proper unicode display,
shortcuts conflicts detection, detection of new untranslated strings, detection
of modified strings. This program can be used by a translator
with no development knowledge. The editor is available under GPL so you can
modify it. The translated file is in XML, so it can even be easily reused in a
different context. Adding a new translation to an application is a matter of
producing a new file with Qt linguist.
Resources problem
With MFC, a part of the development process depends on "resources". You need
them for many cases. This has consequences:

It is almost impossible to develop with another tool than Visual Studio

