Ethereum Casper 101 (8)

Finalization — In FFG for example, 2/3 of a validator set voting on a justified checkpoint that a checkpoint is the accurate record. The completion of this step gives a checkpoint finality.

State Transition System — A system that maintains a given state (e.g. set of transactions or accounts) and its mutations over time (i.e. transition). Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other public blockchains can be considered state transition systems.

Protocol Utility Function — “…a formula that tells us how well the protocol is doing, that should ideally be calculable from inside the blockchain. In the case of a proof of work chain, this could be the percentage of all blocks produced that are in the main chain. In Casper, protocol utility is zero for a perfect execution where every epoch is finalized and no safety failures ever take place, with some penalty for every epoch that is not finalized, and a very large penalty for every safety failure. If a protocol utility function can be formalized, then penalties for faults can be set as close to the loss of protocol utility resulting from those faults as possible.” (from Triangle of Harm)


好了,这是一个“初步了解”的很多信息,但是现在你基本上掌握了所有的基本知识,并且可以深度到任何 Casper 的交流。我写这篇文章的目的是 (1)从大量的关于 Casper 的内容中整理提供一个总体的大纲 (2)巩固我自身队 Casper 的认识因为我正在研究以太坊(Casper, 分片,Gas 价格) (3) 勾起大家对 PoS,Casper 和以太坊的认知和讨论 (4) 驱动有才华的数学家,经济学家,计算机科学家和开发者们开始一同来解决我们的问题。

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特别鸣谢 Vitalik Buterin, Vlad Zamfir, Virgil Griffith and Karl Floersch 参与讨论。所有的错误都是我自己的。

谢谢Vitalik Buterin和Karl Floersch.

