# A positive value will be set as the LIMIT. If 0 or negative, do not set any limit.
# A limit to the number of rows that can be downloaded from a query.
# A value of -1 means there will be no limit.
# A maximum of 65,000 is applied to XLS downloads.
# Hue will try to close the Hive query when the user leaves the editor page.
# This will free all the query resources in HiveServer2, but also make its results inaccessible.
## close_queries=false
# Thrift version to use when communicating with HiveServer2
## thrift_version=5
# SSL communication enabled for this server.
## enabled=false
# Path to Certificate Authority certificates.
## cacerts=/etc/hue/cacerts.pem
# Path to the private key file.
## key=/etc/hue/key.pem
# Path to the public certificate file.
## cert=/etc/hue/cert.pem
# Choose whether Hue should validate certificates received from the server.
## validate=true
# Settings to configure Pig
# Location of piggybank.jar on local filesystem.
# Location piggybank.jar will be copied to in HDFS.
# Settings to configure Sqoop
# For autocompletion, fill out the librdbms section.
# Sqoop server URL
# Settings to configure Proxy
# Comma-separated list of regular expressions,
# which match 'host:port' of requested proxy target.
## whitelist=(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1):(50030|50070|50060|50075)
# Comma-separated list of regular expressions,
# which match any prefix of 'host:port/path' of requested proxy target.
# This does not support matching GET parameters.
## blacklist=
# Settings to configure Impala
# Host of the Impala Server (one of the Impalad)
## server_host=localhost
# Port of the Impala Server
## server_port=21050
# Kerberos principal
## impala_principal=impala/hostname.foo.com
# Turn on/off impersonation mechanism when talking to Impala
## impersonation_enabled=False
# Number of initial rows of a result set to ask Impala to cache in order
# to support re-fetching them for downloading them.
# Set to 0 for disabling the option and backward compatibility.
## querycache_rows=50000
# Timeout in seconds for thrift calls
## server_conn_timeout=120
# Hue will try to close the Impala query when the user leaves the editor page.
# This will free all the query resources in Impala, but also make its results inaccessible.
## close_queries=true