# IdP metadata in the form of a file. This is generally an XML file containing metadata that the Identity Provider generates.
## metadata_file=
# Private key to encrypt metadata with.
## key_file=
# Signed certificate to send along with encrypted metadata.
## cert_file=
# A mapping from attributes in the response from the IdP to django user attributes.
## user_attribute_mapping={'uid':'username'}
# Have Hue initiated authn requests be signed and provide a certificate.
## authn_requests_signed=false
# Have Hue initiated logout requests be signed and provide a certificate.
## logout_requests_signed=false
# Username can be sourced from 'attributes' or 'nameid'.
## username_source=attributes
# Performs the logout or not.
## logout_enabled=true
# Settings to configure OpenId
# (Required) OpenId SSO endpoint url.
## server_endpoint_url=https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id
# OpenId 1.1 identity url prefix to be used instead of SSO endpoint url
# This is only supported if you are using an OpenId 1.1 endpoint
## identity_url_prefix=https://app.onelogin.com/openid/your_company.com/
# Create users from OPENID on login.
## create_users_on_login=true
# Use email for username
## use_email_for_username=true
# Settings to configure OAuth
# To work, each of the active (i.e. uncommented) service must have
# applications created on the social network.
# Then the "consumer key" and "consumer secret" must be provided here.
# The addresses where to do so are:
# Twitter: https://dev.twitter.com/apps
# Google+ : https://cloud.google.com/
# Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/apps
# Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer
# Additionnaly, the following must be set in the application settings: