# Comma-separated list of HBase Thrift servers for clusters in the format of '(name|host:port)'.
# Use full hostname with security.
## hbase_clusters=(Cluster|localhost:9090)
# HBase configuration directory, where hbase-site.xml is located.
## hbase_conf_dir=/etc/hbase/conf
# Hard limit of rows or columns per row fetched before truncating.
## truncate_limit = 500
# 'buffered' is the default of the HBase Thrift Server and supports security.
# 'framed' can be used to chunk up responses,
# which is useful when used in conjunction with the nonblocking server in Thrift.
## thrift_transport=buffered
# Settings to configure Solr Search
# URL of the Solr Server
# Requires FQDN in solr_url if enabled
## security_enabled=false
## Query sent when no term is entered
## empty_query=*:*
# Settings to configure Solr Indexer
# Location of the solrctl binary.
## solrctl_path=/usr/bin/solrctl
# Location of the solr home.
## solr_home=/usr/lib/solr
# Zookeeper ensemble.
## solr_zk_ensemble=localhost:2181/solr